Down with Keir Starmer & Consorts, Part 5: The Leaked 860-Page Report and the Perpetrators’ Propaganda
(Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 6. Part 7. Part 8. Part 9. The missing links will be added gradually)
The perpetrators Iain McNicol and Sam Matthews
Two key perpetrators and saboteurs who actively prevented a Labour national election victory in 2017 and who contributed to the fake ‘Labour anti-Semitism crisis’ smear campaign against Corbyn and progressive Labour members are Iain McNicol, a leading GMB union member and the Labour General Secretary from July 2011 to March 2018, and Sam Matthews, the head of Labour’s Governance and Legal Unit (GLU) from 2016 to 2018.
In this part 5 I will take a somewhat closer look at Matthews but while still focussing on the overall propaganda effort by the perpetrators against their victims.
The perpetrators’ propaganda
Further AS-smears as attempted defense
As per the year-long and quite successful propaganda against Corbyn and other progressives, both McNicol and Matthews tried to maintain the false story that the actual problem is anti-Semitism and not their traitorous activities as revealed by the report. McNicol speaks of “a petty attempt to divert attention away from the real issue.”
Matthews in turn blatantly lies via the already disproven claim that “I did my level best to tackle the poison of anti-Jewish racism which was growing under Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership.” He also lets us know that he stands firmly with the traitor Starmer by stating “I hope Keir Starmer will stand by his commitment to undo the damage that they and their supporters have caused”:
Both McNicol and Matthews also run the fake story that they were or are trying to provide evidence to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) and that evil evil Corbyn and progressives were or are trying to prevent that. But that is a propaganda method straight out of the Nazi playbook:
In other words: It is Corbyn and progressives who actually want to have the 860-report ‘officially’ published (it has been in wide circulation for close to a week now) and it is the saboteurs and traitors such as Starmer, McNicol or Matthews who want it suppressed since it reveals the saboteurs’ misdeeds and possibly even crimes in no uncertain terms:
Keir Starmer is part of the propaganda effort
As already reported in part 4, Keir Starmer is also spreading his share of propaganda — in this case and true to his absurd role as an alleged ‘unity candidate’ a more subtle and reconciliatory ‘let’s all just get along after we royally fucked you in the ass for years’-propaganda:
As many — including MP, former Shadow Minister and Corbyn-loyalist John McDonnell — have pointed out already, the adequate (minimal) response would be to “suspend pending investigation” the saboteurs and traitors:
Starmer is doing nothing of that, however, and that gives even further evidence that he is working in cahoots with McNicol and Matthews and that he is a traitor just like them:
Mat 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Mat 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits.
Lord Peter Mandelsohn is part of the propaganda effort
A so far unnamed but influential figure that is using the same Nazi propaganda method of “accuse them what you yourself are guilty of” — in this case rewriting history — is one Lord Mandelsohn, yet another rabid anti-Corbynite and anti-progressive neoliberal Blairite:
To get a further taste of the moral decrepitude of this Blairite scumbucket who also received a life peerage just like countless other scumbuckets, I shall quote from his wikipedia entry:
From 1985 to 1991, Mandelson served as Labour’s Director of Communications. He was one of the first to whom the term ‘spin doctor’ was applied and gained the nickname ‘the Prince of Darkness’ because of his ‘ruthlessness’ and ‘media savvy’.[3] He […] held a number of Cabinet positions under Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.[4] He was the European Commissioner for Trade between 2004 and 2008.
Mandelson was one of several key individuals responsible for the rebranding of the Labour Party as New Labour before its subsequent victory in the 1997 election.[5][6] He was twice forced to resign from the Cabinet before leaving Parliament to take up an appointment as a European Commissioner. He later rejoined the Cabinet for a third time after being created a Life Peer, sitting on the Labour benches in the House of Lords.
Mandelson “historically has been unpopular among Labour members”.[66] Tony Blair’s assertion in 1996 that “my project will be complete when the Labour Party learns to love Peter Mandelson”[67]
After the 2015 Labour leadership election resulted in Jeremy Corbyn becoming the party leader, Mandelson stated that he believed that Labour was now unelectable, but advised party members unhappy with the situation to wait for Corbyn to demonstrate this before working to replace him.[84] He wished for an early general election to force Corbyn out.[85]
The BBC, John Ware and Ofcom are part of the propaganda effort
These days, a nickname for the BBC is “British Broadcasting Conservatives” due to its in many ways obvious pro-Conservative and especially anti-Corbyn and anti-progressive bias as well as propaganda:
One of the BBC’s lowlights in this respect was a BBC Panorama programme/hatchet job by the name of “Is Labour antisemitic?” that was produced by The Sun- and Jewish Chronicle-associated ‘journalist’ John Ware and that aired on July 17, 2019:
Ware had already produced one hatchet job on Labour and Corbyn in 2015:
2015, A Panorama edition by Ware on the campaign of Jeremy Corbyn to be elected as Labour Party leader, Labour’s Earthquake, attracted hundreds of complaints, including from Corbyn’s campaign team, and was described by a member of Corbyn’s campaign team as “containing factual inaccuracies” and “a complete hatchet job”.[20]
The production in 2019 was no different as it was full to the brim with the usual anti-Corbyn and anti-progressive propagandists and anti-Semitism smearers. These included the JLM’s International Officer Izzy Lenga or, more relevant for this article’s purposes, the saboteurs and traitors Iain McNicol (see 5:55 of the above video), Sam Matthews (see 7:19) and also the so far unnamed Louise Withers-Green (see 6:50).
Especially Matthews’ absurdly melodramatic lies — more attentive observers can see an instance of what is known at the “liar’s smile” in Matthews’ face from 7:41–7:43
The team found that a “deceptive pleader” raised their forehead muscles, called the “frontalis”, which gave off surprised expressions.
Liars also had increased activity of the “zygomatic major muscles”, located around the mouth, which caused them to inadvertently lift their lips into a smile.
This compared to “genuine pleaders”, who activated their inner frontalis and “corrugator supercilli”, located between the eyebrows, which caused them to frown and furrow their brow in a genuine “an expression of distress”.
Dr ten Brinke, who is based in the university’s psychology department, added: “While genuine pleaders show real distress on their face, the deceptive pleaders are unable to replicate that same activation.”
While the findings were important for “lie catchers”, she cautioned they did not provide a “Pinocchio’s nose”.
She added: “Not everyone will leak their true emotions, and some people are better than others at adopting a false face (such as) psychopaths.”
— are hilarious (Matthews says the following while sad music as attempted emotional manipulation is being played in the background):
the General Secretary [Jennie Formby] does not listen to me and the thought crosses my mind as to whether I send her my resignation and then do something that nobody should ever consider [a slight liar’s smile is apparent here during a melodramatic pause; the “raised forehead muscles” of a “deceptive pleader” are apparent before and after repeatedly] … and that I actively considered committing suicide … Walking off her roof, she has a balcony outside her office, as some way to not feel trapped anymore
Corbyn Labour rejected this propaganda show for the hatchet job that it is (from the John Ware wiki):
An extended Panorama edition, entitled Is Labour Anti-Semitic?, was described by Labour as containing “deliberate and malicious representations designed to mislead” and the party alleged that “Panorama has pre-determined the outcome of its investigation and is relying on unsubstantiated allegations and misrepresentation to come to its conclusions” and that “No proper attempt has been made by Panorama to understand Labour’s current processes and procedures”.[21] Labour later submitted a formal complaint about the programme to the BBC.[22]
The Office of Communications […] is the [Tory!] government-approved regulatory and competition authority for the broadcasting, telecommunications and postal industries of the United Kingdom.
Ofcom has wide-ranging powers across the television, radio, telecoms and postal sectors. It has a statutory duty to represent the interests of citizens and consumers by promoting competition and protecting the public from harmful or offensive material.[2][3]
rejected that complaint however. This drew further well-justified criticism from actual Labour representatives:
Even worse: A part of Starmer & Consorts’ counter-strategy against those who dare to speak up about the systematic propaganda and abuse against them are libel or defamation lawsuits in the hope that the perpetrators can outspend their victims and achieve a subversion of justice that way:
It is also other actual journalists or actual news outlets that are currently being sued or threatened to be sued by the perpetrators (see part 3 for more on Emilie Oldknow):
As usual and by contrast, many MSM and especially the BBC are ignoring the perhaps biggest scandal in Labour history in a clear case of lying by ommission. For actual news, one rather has to turn to smaller and less compromised media:
The Guardian’s Owen Jones is part of the propaganda effort
As usual in this matter and despite competent journalism in other areas, is it also The Guardian’s Owen Jones who joins the cohorts of lying or delusional MSM- ‘journalists’ or rather propagandists by trying to make a big deal of the report versus those who have been smeared over the years by the perpetrators:
Jones gets the reactions that he deserves:
In the degenerate minds of the propagandists and according to their propaganda, the evil evil anti-Semites such as an in my eyes entirely innocent Chris Williamson are cowering in fear over the oh so very dreadful revelations that will soon come to light once the report is officially released.
But as also shown by the actions of the alleged anti-Semites, this is of course utter bullshit. People like Mr. Williamson who got unjustly expelled from Labour over purely invented anti-Semitism smears are the actual victims here, and the report does nothing but offer conclusive proof in that regard. As such, they are of course not cowering in fear over the report but demanding its release:
To be perfectly clear, 29 Socialist and generally pro-Corbyn Labour MPs are demanding that the report be officially released, and they would not be doing that unless they believed or knew that the already widely circulating report offers above all evidence and conclusive proof of year-long sabotage against them by Labour saboteurs such as Iain McNicol or Sam Matthews who, as pointed out earlier, are clearly in cahoots with the traitor Starmer and other pro 1% parties:
So much for the traitors’ and saboteurs’ propaganda (Corbyn and other socialists or progressives are the perpetrators and are afraid of the report) and for what the actual facts are (Corbyn and other socialists or progressives are the victims and want the report to be officially released; Starmer, McNicol, Matthews, etc. are the perpetrators who want to suppress and put a spin on the for them extremely damaging report).