EU Censorship and Suppression of Ziofascist Israel’s 2023 Genocide of Palestinians
An article in six parts: 1. An Introduction to White Western ‘Values’; 2. Ziofascist Germany’s Censorship and Suppression of Ziofascist Israel’s Genocide of Palestinians; 3. Ziofascist France’s Censorship and Suppression of Ziofascist Israel’s Genocide of Palestinians; 4. Ziofascist Sweden’s Censorship and Suppression of Ziofascist Israel’s Genocide of Palestinians; 5. Ziofascist Netherland’s Censorship and Suppression of Ziofascist Israel’s Genocide of Palestinians; 6. Ziofascist EU Censorship and Suppression of Ziofascist Israel’s Genocide of Palestinians.
1. An Introduction to White Western ‘Values’
Europeans or white people in general have a ‘special relationship’ with genocide since it was only they who committed genocide on all the six major continents of Europe, North and South America, Africa, Asia and Australia throughout history and in the context of their imperialist-colonialist endeavours.
For mentally healthy Europeans or white people with a conscience and historical awareness, this could or should translate into a special responsibility to prevent genocide, including the currently happening Ziofascist Israeli genocide of Palestinians that is broadcast all over social media while it is happening.
The vast majority of European and EU puppet leaders, however, never really moved on from their imperialist-colonialist and furthermore racist and Islamophobic mindset; they never really learned the respective lessons from history.
Instead of preventing the Ziofascist Israeli genocide of Palestinians, they consequently cheer it on and support it while at the same time hypocritically talking out of the other side of their mouth about ‘Western values,’ ‘freedom and democracy,’ ‘humanitarian pauses’ and whatnot.
To be fair though, it is not entirely untrue what these white Western parasitic elites say about Western ‘values.’ That is because genocide and furthermore fascism are actually representative of the long-standing ‘values’ of those white Western parasitic elites.
As also noted by a European-born genocide researcher whose family was affected by genocide in former Yugoslavia:
It is thus almost as if the old-school white Western genociders from Europe and North America had gotten together with the younger and also Western Ziofascist Israeli genociders to assist the latter in their genocide of Palestinians.
As usual, that assistance also comes in the form of censoring and otherwise suppressing the truth about the Ziofascist Israeli genocide of Palestinians and for instance as follows:
Europe and the EU are particularly complicit in covering up the Ziofascist Israelis’ genocide since they are not only subservient to Israel like the USA, but also subservient to the USA on top of that.
2. Ziofascist Germany’s Censorship and Suppression of Ziofascist Israel’s Genocide of Palestinians
As for why former Nazi Germany, of all nations, assists the Ziofascist Israelis in their genocide of Palestinians: Aside from the usual factors such as key people being blackmailed by or otherwise cooperating with Israeli and/or US intelligence services, there is also the issue of German guilt which Israel abuses to guilt-trip Germans (and Austrians) into supporting their genocide of Palestinians (“… because otherwise you are an Antisemite!”):
It should also be clarified that, from the perspective of white imperialists, Adolf Hitler’s and the German Nazis’ great crime was not that they had genocided Jews. Instead, their great crime was that they had attacked and killed white people — which coincidentally also happened to be Jews — and other white imperialist-colonialist and capitalist powers such as France and Britain.
The white Western elite parasites’ and the Ziofascist Israelis’ “Never again” therefore does not mean and never meant “never again to anyone.” Instead, it only ever meant “never again to white people” and, respectively, “never again to Jews.” The currently happening Ziofascist Israeli genocide of Palestinians is therefore perfectly fine with these white Ziofascist parasites and hypocrites without a conscience.
This in turn explains why the current German ‘Luftwaffe’ and ‘Sturzkampfbomber’ or ‘dive bomber’ commander — clearly a great Aryan hero — donated his pure blood to the Ziofascist Israelis who are committing the genocide and not to the Palestinians who are being genocided:
From someone else who gets paid by the German army:
These genocidal attitudes partially result from Germany never having been properly denazified and from, quite on the contrary, German Nazis having been recruited by the USA in their imperialist fight against communism:
This in turn also explains why, 90 years after Hitler assumed power in Germany in 1933, Jews in Germany are once again being arrested, this time for marching and/or protesting against genocide(!):
Fascism creeping in in Germany furthermore explains why freedom of speech and perfectly moral and legal expressions against genocide were illegally prohibited just like in Nazi Germany:
Just like in Nazi Germany which removed Jews from good jobs such as those in academia or societal participation in general, the current Ziofascist Germany also does that with morally upstanding Antizionists:
One consequently cannot help but to arrive at the inevitable conclusion that history is completely unnecessarily repeating itself:
Then there are also the propagandistic Zionist and Ziofascist German mainstream media (which are just as trashy as US or British mainstream media) which also censor, cancel or otherwise suppress the truth about Ziofascist Israel’s genocide of Palestinians. The following example from the most ‘prestigious’ German magazine Der Spiegel (The Mirror) should suffice to illustrate that abominable state of affairs:
Here is a longer and more detailed debunking of Der Spiegel’s Zionist and Ziofascist hasbara propaganda about Greta Thunberg and her being on the right side of history:
There were consequently some interesting poll results:
There are also other clear signs that Germany has most certainly not learned its lessons from history:
[see section 2 of this article for more on “insane genocidal Germany”]
3. Ziofascist France’s Censorship and Suppression of Ziofascist Israel’s Genocide of Palestinians
France’s national motto is the revolutionary motto of “Liberté, égalité, fraternité.” But in complete contradiction to those three important principles of freedom, equality and fraternity or rather solidarity and like other European regimes, the Ziofascist Emmanuel Macron regime made it legal to arrest pro-Palestinian protestors who stand behind and uphold those three principles:
These actions reveal the actual ‘values’ of parasitic Western and Ziofascist elites which are authoritarianism, hypocrisy and double standards, including ‘selective free speech’:
Similar to official Germany displaying solidarity with the Ziofascist and Zionazi Israeli regime, the great historical irony of the official France is its crackdown on protests in, of all places, the country of liberté which has a rich history and culture of protests:
More displays of ‘liberté’ and the Western ‘value’ of ‘free speech’ in France included the following:
Like other Zionists, France’s Zionists also succeeded in demonstrating that Zionism means Antisemitism:
French publisher Fayard has ceased the publication of the translated edition of a book by Israeli historian Ilan Pappe, according to a report by Actualitté website.
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (French: Le nettoyage ethnique de la Palestine) by the University of Exeter academic was originally published in English by OneWorld Publications in London.
In it, he writes that the mass expulsion of Palestinians during the creation of Israel was a deliberate and systematic act aimed at the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.
At the time of its release in 2008, Fayard hailed the book as “a reminder that the resolution of the refugee problem must be the cornerstone of any attempt at peace in the region”.
A bookseller in the 5th arrondissement of Paris, Patrick Bobulesco, told the Actualitté website that after the book was sold out at his bookshop, he was not able to order new copies due to the “permanent cessation” of sales by the publisher.
The site Révolution permanente, which presents itself as a “revolutionary political organisation”, said the decision to discontinue Pappe’s title is part of a “witch hunt” atmosphere currently prevailing in France against “any critical expression towards the Israeli government” since the attack.
The website also cited the detention of Jean-Paul Delescaut, the general secretary of the CGT-Nord 59 departmental union, who was placed in police custody along with a colleague for a solidarity statement with Palestine.
Likewise, Palestinian activist Mariam Abu Daqqa said she was placed under house arrest after visiting France for a series of lectures, with the interior ministry deeming her a “threat to public order”. She was later deported to Cairo.
‘Thought police’
On 15 November, the Mediapart website published a letter signed by more than 1,300 researchers and academics, protesting against “intimidation, defamation, and restrictions on scientific speech within universities since the tragic events of 7 October”.
It also denounced the “climate of threat that generates fear and self-censorship to the detriment of free expression”.
“The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the indicators of the thought police that has settled in the French academic world for several years, in line with the invention of ‘Islamo-leftism’ to disqualify certain scientific discourses,” the letter added.
In a recent investigation, the newspaper L’Humanité also denounced “the climate of pressures and intimidations that French researchers face when working on Palestine and the Arab world”.
The withdrawal of Ilan Pappe’s book from sales also coincides, notes Révolution permanente, with the effective takeover of the Hachette publishing group, to which Fayard belongs, by the far-right billionaire Vincent Bolloré.
Ilan Pappe, a contributor to Middle East Eye, is a member of the “new historians” school, recognised for his criticism of Israeli policies towards Palestinians.
Since the 1980s, he has sought to critically reassess the history of the creation of Israel and the Israeli-Arab conflict.
“I see the entire project of Zionism as a structure, not as a single event. A colonialist structure through which a settler movement colonises a homeland,” he said.
“As long as colonisation is not over and the indigenous population resists through a national liberation movement, every period of this kind that I observe is just a phase within the same structure.”
4. Ziofascist Sweden’s Censorship and Suppression of Ziofascist Israel’s Genocide of Palestinians
Sweden’s still younger ‘moderate’ rightwing regime in turn successfully demonstrated that genocide also belongs to the canon of Western ‘values’ when that regime’s Ziofascist Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said in front of an audience that “Israel has the right to genocide”:
“I just need to say that this is damn sick. Stop killing the children in Gaza, damnit! Thank you to those who at least use the word ‘genocide,’ and that it is an ethnic cleansing that is going on. This is damn insane. I am ashamed of being Swedish. I am ashamed, and you will be ashamed too.”
5. Ziofascist Netherland’s Censorship and Suppression of Ziofascist Israel’s Genocide of Palestinians
The Netherlands in turn successfully demonstrated that the human right of religious freedom is not part of Western ‘values’ or of the supposedly ‘free world’ (i.e. the US-dominated West) by making the Ziofascist Geert Wilders anti-Islam far-right party the strongest party in recent national elections:
The likely outcome of this election is the same type of censorship and suppression of Ziofascist Israel’s genocide of Palestians that is happening in all EU countries, including my own country of Austria.
6. Ziofascist EU Censorship and Suppression of Ziofascist Israel’s Genocide of Palestinians
A German key architect and supporter of the Ziofascist Israeli genocide of Palestinians is the EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen, seen here at an utterly bizarre ‘never again to white people and white Zionist Jews’ Ziofascist propaganda spectacle:
Take note of the Orwellian nature of that Ziofascist propaganda spectacle: While they claim “never again,” what they are actually doing is using and abusing that propaganda spectacle to distract from the Ziofascist Israeli genocide of Palestinians. So while they say “never again,” what they are actually doing is the exact opposite of ‘once again’ genocide.
It is for reasons such as these that the Jewish Holocaust survivor and intellectual Norman Finkelstein fittingly referred to Ursula von der Leyen as “The Nazi Princess” on November 20:
This nickname is also fitting in light of von der Leyen’s family ties to German Nazis and Adolf Hitler himself:
The German Nazi Princess Ursula fond o’ Lyin’s nobility-laden family tree:
The EU delegation to Israel is just as sycophantic as the German Nazi Princess Ursula fond o’ Lyin’: For them too, “never again” — which should mean “never again to any people” — also only means ‘never again to white people and white Zionist Jews’:
Ziofascist Israel’s genocide of non-white Palestinians is therefore also perfectly fine with them and in line with their European or Western ‘values.’
What is also in line with Western ‘values’ is only ever acknowledging genocides from the past but not present genocides such as Ziofascist Israel’s genocide of Palestinians:
The Ziofascist EU Commission vice president and foreign policy head Josep Borrell also played stupid when it came to Ziofascist Israel’s 100% certain war crimes against Palestinians. This amounts to yet another display of Western hypocrisy and double standards which are also part of the great canon of European or Western ‘values’:
So to anyone who ever took the EU, Europe or their supposed Western ‘values’ seriously: Don’t. The EU and especially its leading country Germany were never properly de-imperialized or de-Nazified. On top of that, the EU is little but an infiltrated and corrupt servant of both the imperialist USA and Ziofascist Israel and thus a complete perversion of anything resembling any sort of actual and proper universal values.
From an EU parliamentarian who is one of the few exceptions to that rule and who accordingly points out the EU’s hypocrisy and immoral actions:
Mick Wallace: Commissioner, […] you say we acted together responding decisively in support of a Europe of freedom, prosperity and peace. Never in my lifetime have I seen Europe so less interested in peace. We have fueled and promoted a war, we have refused to promote dialogue and diplomacy at the expense of so many […].
You say we will continue to defend and promote democracy, human rights, the rule of law and effective multilateralism. You’re killing multilateralism by allow the US to divide us from China.
You say that “we will continue our efforts to protect children affected by armed conflict.” What in God’s name are you doing about the thousand children that have been killed in Gaza by the Israelis? You are protecting the Israelis and you are promoting their apartheid system.
And if that state of affairs persists, then the Ziofascist EU deserves little else but to go down in flames and into the dustbin of history.