Kenyans Protest the Ruto Regime and Its Finance Bill, Part 1: June 18 to 24, 2024–7 Days of Rage
A collection of evidence and documentation of events, including of abductions and killings by the Ruto regime.
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
In an act that is symbolic for the Ruto regime’s entire actions and where Kenya is heading under William Ruto and many other such kleptocrats, a police officer has his fingers blown off when a faulty teargas cannister explodes in his hands:
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Thursday, June 20, 2024: The Killing of Rex Kanyike Masai
The #RejectFinanceBill2024 and #RutoMustGo protests continue:
The killing of Rex Kanyike Masai by Ruto’s goons:
Reported Instagram censorship of hashtags:
Friday, June 21, 2024: The Abduction of Billy Simani
The #RejectFinanceBill2024 and #RutoMustGo protests continue:
The abduction of Billy Simani aka Billy The Goat aka Crazy Nairobian (#FreeBilly) by Ruto’s goons:
Gaslighting of the public by pro-Finance Bill MP Sudi:
Heckling of those who are in favor of the Finance Bill:
A possible to likely reason why MPs such as Sudi are in favor of the detrimental Finance Bill: bribery:
Saturday, June 22, 2024: The Killing of Evans Kiratu
A national discussion about and the freeing of Billy Kimani:
Kenyan mainstream or “githeri” media want viewers to believe that it is a “mystery” who — the Ruto regime — is behind the abduction of Billy Simani:
In the evening, Billy was finally released with the help of Faith Odhiambo, the 51st President of the Law Society of Kenya:
The killing of Evans Kiratu:
Rents in the city would go up since owners of urban “land or property” would be charged an “annual levy” or lease — a cost which they will pass on to those who lease their land or property:
More attempted gaslighting of the public by pro-Finance Bill cleptocrats:
The protests continue despite the attempted gaslighting:
Someone who just might join the protests is the police officer who had his fingers and hands blown off by faulty teargas ammunition and who is being let down by the cleptocratic Ruto regime:
Sunday, June 23, 2024
More abductions by the Ruto regime:
More gaslighting by Ruto loyalists about the Finance Bill, in this case Merhali Zaheer Jhanda and Isaac Maura:
Trolling of Ruto-loyalists gaslighting and propaganda:
In the Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) diocese where Ruto spoke his lies— and note that Ruto most likely had people burned in a church in the 2000s — even the not at all amused senior priest was forced to go through security:
In many other churches, Sunday protests against Ruto and his Finance Bill proceeded:
Kenyans were not pleased with those who voted for the Finance Bill:
The Finance Bill for Kenya, just like Tanzania’s, may originally have had US or IMF authorship:
Sunday, June 24, 2024
More abductions by the Ruto regime: