The Democratic Primaries in 2020: How the Corrupt Establishment Cheats Bernie from Day 1

Gregor Flock
4 min readFeb 8, 2020


Whenever a spectacular clusterfuck such as the Iowa Caucus vote count ‘irregularities’ just so happen to immensely benefit the campaign of Pete Buttigieg,

a legitimate question is whether such a clusterfuck is ‘only’ due to staggering incompetence on the side of the DNC and the Iowa Democratic Party or due to malfeasance, due to malicious intent.

As the following largely self-explanatory Twitter exhibits will show, the #IowaCaucusDisaster mainly appears to result from malicious intent.

Some background info on Mayor Pete aka #MayorCheat aka #PetetheCheat

That #MayorCheat is indeed not so much the people’s choice like Bernie Sanders but rather the choice of “forty billionaires and their spouses” is reported in this article from a certainly not pro-Bernie publication:

According to someone who shared a stage with Pete Buttigieg, #MayorCheat also does not seem to be a person for whom honesty or integrity mean much or anything:

Then there is of course also the sordid matter of Team Buttigieg and the assumed to be corrupt Nevada State Democratic Party having donated to the app developer that created this mess from which Buttigieg profited:

Interestingly but not very surprisingly, it is also Team Hillary that has its handwriting all over this:

So as you can see, #PetetheCheat has anything but a white vest in all of this. Instead, he has rather got some powerful vested interests behind his campaign that are trying to ensure that Bernie Sanders does not win the Democratic nomination. The reasons for that are obvious — Bernie does not represent the interests of the billionaire class:

Why the Mainstream Media (MSM) Cannot Be Trusted

To those vested interests which are actively working against Bernie Sanders we can also count the MSM:

It is also the Associated Press that receives criticism for what some might regard as biased reporting in the past and in the present:

Instead and as usual, we have to turn away from billionaire-owned MSM in order to receive relevant and accurate reporting (Team Buttigieg, take note how a person with integrity does or could react):

For further indications that cheating against Bernie and in favor of Buttigieg was involved, have a look at these two tweets:

Clinton, Tom Perez & Co: The Enemy Within

Of course, the corrupt Clinton establishment and corrupt psychopathic warmonger Killary “Experience in Losing” Clingon herself are having none of this integrity- and proper procedures-bullshit. Instead, these sad pathetic loser-types don’t let any opportunity go waste to sow discord and dissension in their own party and against winner-types such as Bernie Sanders:

The ultimate winner of this is — as usual and just like in 2016 when Team Hillary cheated Team Bernie in the primaries before proceeding to lose to an utter nutjob — precisely that very same nutjob, i.e. Donald “Strong and Stable Genius” Trump:

And in case you are thinking “Well, the corrupt Democratic Establishment is just awfully and strangely inept in ensuring a victory against their main enemy Donald Trump,” I may have some really bad news for you, because the main enemy to them is not Donald Trump who works for the 1% just like they do, but Bernie Sanders and others like him who work for the 99%:

This also brings us to another despicable figure, namely to DNC chairman Tom Perez, a fixer for corrupt Team Hillary/Democratic Establishment. Perez not only fixed the Democratic Primaries by filling the highly contentious superdelegate seats with all sorts of anti-Bernie people. After feigning concerns about justice and proper procedure, Perez also tried to undo the results of the Iowa causus which Bernie had won despite the deck being stacked against him.

The ploy was too obvious though and results were accordingly (#TomPerezResign):


The Dem(on)ocratic Establishment around Hillary Clinton, Tom Perez & Co is as corrupt as ever and doing everything it can to ensure that Bernie does not get the Democratic nomination: There are virtually no mistakes or accidents, it is virtually all malicious intent. Pete “MayorCheat” Buttigieg is by all appearances a willing and useful idiot for them and moreso the billionaire class and cannot at all be trusted to represent the interests of the 99%. The MSM still cannot be trusted either since they are also firmly on the side of the 1%. Onwards to New Hampshire.



Gregor Flock
Gregor Flock

Written by Gregor Flock

independent philosopher ( and journalist, Global Civil Society Network founder (, Tweets @GFlock_GCSN.

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