Why MP Margaret Hodge Needs To Be Kicked Out of the UK Labour Party

Gregor Flock
20 min readAug 17, 2018


[Note: Article last edited and expanded on June 12, 2023]

1. On Anti-Semitism and ‘Anti-Semitism’

Not every charge of anti-semitism needs to be taken seriously, because sometimes, they mask something else entirely. To take it from the former Israeli cabinet minister Shulamit Aloni from an August 14, 2002 DemocracyNow interview with Amy Goodman:


This is also what is happening right now: As many like to say, war crimes committing Israel has now “gone apartheid officially” with its recent and widely protested nation-state law that officially turns all non-Jews into second class citizens:

https://twitter.com/davies42g/status/1028798472173088768; https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2018-07-30/ty-article/.premium/israeli-druze-quits-idf-over-nation-state-law-in-letter-to-netanyahu/0000017f-e188-df7c-a5ff-e3fa3ff70000

Hodge’s role in all of this is clear: While she may have some legitimate concerns about actual anti-semiticism, what she effectively does, whether intentionally or unintentionally, is to “cry wolf” in order to a) support the war criminal apartheid state of Israel b) damage UK Labour and c) damage Jeremy Corbyn, while also d) helping the Tories and hence ‘the few, not the many.’

Speaking of apartheid: It is also funny how Hodge made millions from South Africa when it was still an apartheid state:

https://twitter.com/andrewfeinstein/status/1205847824715440133; https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2019-11-20-dame-margaret-hodge-mp-a-very-british-apartheid-profiteer/; https://twitter.com/simonmaginn/status/1205794089989480448

It must furthermore be noted that Hodge is not the only British politician who has been benefitting from and/or shilling for both the South African and the Israeli-Zionist apartheid regime:

https://twitter.com/AsaWinstanley/status/1667206881402601485; https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/labours-new-bankroller-israel-lobbyist-south-african-apartheid-profiteer

Returning to Hodge, it is also worthwhile to take note of her hypocritical and AS-weaponizing stance that ‘antisemitism accusations only count against Corbyn and Corbyn-led Labour, but not against Starmer and Starmer-led Labour’:


Here is another Hodge highlight as befits the totally not racist Starmer Tory Lite Party which has totally not buried the Forde Report into bullying, racism and sexism (*cough*, Dianne Abbott, *cough*):


2. Hodge’s Personal Animosity Towards Corbyn Over Her Own Failures and Cover-Ups

The spin that Hodge and much of the degenerate MSM give their fairy tales is that ‘big bad Jeremy’ — whose main fault is that he has been ramping up success after success and that he and his people’s movement are seriously challenging the parasites at the top — is an anti-semite who is taking Labour down a wrong and dangerous path.

What Hodge somehow forgot to mention though is that she and Jeremy have a bit of a confrontational history in the Labour party that has amply highlighted Hodge’s shortcomings. This would suggest that Hodge’s actions are most likely primarily motivated by personal animosity towards Corbyn and not by any serious concerns about anti-semitism. There was for instance this spat in 1995:


Then there was also that time when — what a shocker — Jeremy Corbyn helped to maintain a Jewish cemetery in Islington:

https://twitter.com/HannibalBarcids/status/1668180607891918848; https://www.camdennewjournal.co.uk/article/jeremy-corbyns-role-in-helping-the-cemetery-campaign-is-remembered

Hodge’s anti-semiticism charges against Corbyn can thus easily be identified and dismissed as being motivated by 1) little but the personal vendetta of an unhinged and egotistic person that has zero sense of priorities and perhaps also by 2) secretly working for the state of Israel. In case the latter sounds too far-fetched, you may wish to take a look into the Shai Masot affair


or the documentary The Lobby.

3. Margaret Hodge’s Involvement in the Sexual Abuse of Children

More importantly, there was an Islington paedophilia scandal in which Margaret Hodge and many other were involved in, including in terms of covering it up. Let us begin with Hodge’s closest circle of her family members.

3.1 Hodge’s Husband Henry Hodge

To commence with the background of her husband, solicitor and judge Henry Hodge:


On Henry Hodge’s connections to paedophilia via the NCCL and PIE:

https://twitter.com/ciabaudo/status/1026923863584722944; https://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/10653944/The-right-to-sleep-with-children-was-one-civil-liberty-that-NCCL-supported.html

To quote from the current Wikipedia entry about the “National Council for Civil Liberties” (NCCL), now “Liberty”:


In 1976, the NCCL in a submission to the Criminal Law Revision Committee of the British Parliament argued that “Childhood sexual experiences, willingly engaged in, with an adult result in no identifiable damage… The real need is a change in the attitude which assumes that all cases of paedophilia result in lasting damage”. The NCCL also sought to place the “onus of proof on the prosecution to show that the child was actually harmed” rather than having a blanket ban on child pornography and advocated the decriminalisation of incest. Organisations such as Paedophile Information Exchange (P.I.E.), a pro-paedophile activist group, and Paedophile Action for Liberation became affiliated to the pressure group. Prominent pro-paedophile activist Tom O’Carroll also sat on the NCCL’s sub-committee for gay rights. Shami Chakrabarti, the former director of Liberty, issued an apology about the links between the NCCL and the PIE. In December 2013, she said: “It is a source of continuing disgust and horror that even the NCCL had to expel paedophiles from its ranks in 1983 after infiltration at some point in the 70s.”

3.2 Hodge’s Son-In-Law Joe Caluori

On Hodge’s son in law Joe Caluori, married to Elizabeth “Lizzi” Watson, who both work for the BBC state propaganda:

https://twitter.com/ciabaudo/status/1026924640051126272; https://theneedleblog.wordpress.com/2014/04/07/margaret-hodges-son-in-law-to-head-islington-abuse-investigation/

To quote from the April 2014 article:

Islington Council dismissed calls for Joe Caluori, who is married to Mrs Hodge’s daughter, to step aside from his post while its investigation is ongoing. The council insisted there was no conflict of interest and that the council’s director of social services would report directly to the Department for Education rather than to Mr Caluori.

But victims, lawyers and whistle-blowers are demanding an independent inquiry.

Demetrious Panton, who was repeatedly abused by Bernie Bain, the former head of an Islington children’s home in the late Seventies, said: “An independent police investigation into Islington is crucial. I know so much. Yet, throughout all the 13 inquiries into Islington, I was never once asked to give evidence.”

Mr Panton, who is a lawyer, added: “We still don’t know the full extent of Islington’s corruption. There are a lot of individuals who I know, abuse survivors, who have not yet contacted Islington or the police about what they know. There is a real lack of trust.”

3.3 Hodge’s Nephews Philip and David Edmonds

On the involvement of Hodge’s nephew Philip Martin Edmonds:


On Hodge’s other Nephew David Edmonds, also employed by the BBC:

https://twitter.com/ciabaudo/status/1031800615440183296; https://oxfordliteraryfestival.org/literature-events/2017/march-28/does-politics-and-business-need-philosophy

3.4 Marget Hodge’s Successor Derek Sawyer and the Abuser Derek Slade aka ‘Edward Marsh’

Then there is the second-closest circle of all those paedophiles and paedophile-associates Margaret Hodge was involved with via work. Here we for instance have the coverup artist Derek Sawyer and the abuser Derek Slade, who later abused children under the false identity of Edward Marsh:

https://twitter.com/ciabaudo/status/1031111470635991040; http://www.times.co.sz/index.php?news=19493

To quote from that 2010 Times of Swaziland article about Slade and Sawyer:

Dr Edward Marsh, whose real name is Derek Slade (61) was sentenced to 21 years in prison last week Monday after being found guilty at the Ipswich Crown Court of abuse against 12 boys aged eight to 13 between 1978 and 1983. He abused the boys at a military-style boarding school, where he was the principal, in the 1980s.

When he came to Swaziland, ‘Marsh’ established a false identity. With the help of Derek Sawyer, a prominent Labour politician in Britain, the former leader of Islington Council and now chair of the London Region Courts Board. Slade and Sawyer co-founded an NGO, the International British Educational Projects (IBEP) and Slade came to Swaziland as the IBEP’s appointee and Sawyer went on to run the school board.

Both were later removed in a public notice and the reasons were not stated.

Sawyer facilitated Slade’s escape from his past by setting up educational companies in which the disgraced teacher used a fake name, CV and reference.

They were pupils at St George’s School, in Great Finborough, Suffolk.

The politician, Sawyer, has been chairman of numerous bodies involved in London’s probation service and justice system.

Sawyer, who denies any wrongdoing, helped Slade after the paedophile was first convicted of child abuse in the 80’s. Slade was found to have savagely beaten boys at Dalesdown School, in Sussex, and was jailed for three months, though the sentence was reduced on appeal to a conditional discharge.

The pair then set up the International British Educational Projects (IBEP), which allowed Slade to work with children in India and Africa under the pseudonym Dr Edward Marsh — a name taken from a child who died at the age of eight in 1955.

Sawyer said he was unaware Slade had given him false information or was using a fake passport. He said: “I have been very shocked by Derek Slade’s conviction for child abuse. I have been taken in and have been used by him.”

Slade’s downfall last week resulted from simultaneous investigations on three continents.

The Ubombo Sugar Company in Swaziland, the London branch of the charity Help A Poor Child (HAPC), which briefly funded an orphanage school IBEP opened in India in 2003, and former victims of Slade’s brutal military school, all helped police untangle a complex web of evidence — about Slade and his connections with Sawyer. In 1983, after whistleblowers had brought the abuse to the attention of the BBC’s Roger Cook, Slade was forced to leave the school.

But a government inquiry proved a whitewash and Slade remained a school governor.

By then he had left four British schools after brutality and indecency allegations. Following his criminal conviction, he could never teach in Britain again.

The same abuse then repeated itself in Swaziland before Slade/’Marsh’ and Hodge’s successor Sawyer were kicked out from there too:

MBABANE — Ubombo Sugar, on discovering Sawyer’s links to Slade, removed Sawyer from its school board.

They even placed a notice in The Times of Swaziland on January17, 2009, making it clear that the parting was not amicable.

Part of the statement said the trustees had removed all directors who had been appointed by IBEP; these were Sawyer Marsh, Sawyer’s wife and Wendy Warner. The Trust also took over all of IBEP’s shareholdings in SWAZEP (Swazi Educational Projects (Pty) LTD).

A source for The Mail on Sunday said last week: “I hope Slade rots. There is no doubt to the closeness and longevity of his and Sawyer’s relationship. It is said that in support of the application for ‘Marsh’ to come into Swaziland, Sawyer/IBEP presented a very glowing CV with documents attached.” Slade was arrested in England last February when he attended to a medical appointment as Edward Marsh.

At his home in Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire, police found huge amounts of child pornography, and his fake passport.

3.5 Margaret Hodge’s Former Aide and Labour Shadow Minister Eric Stuart Joyce

Aside from the two Dereks, we then also have the certified and convicted paedophile and Margaret Hodge associate Eric Stuart Joyce, a former Labour shadow minister:


From Joyce’s Wikipedia entry:

Joyce was arrested five times during his last five years as an MP, most notably in February 2012 on suspicion of assault after an incident in the Houses of Parliament. This led to his immediate suspension from the Labour Party, before pleading guilty to all charges and resigning from the party the following month. He continued representing his constituency as an independent until retiring at the 2015 general election. On 7 July 2020, Joyce pleaded guilty at Ipswich Crown Court to making an indecent image of a child. On 7 August 2020, he was given a suspended prison sentence.


Joyce served as the parliamentary aide to ministers Mike O’Brien MP, when O’Brien was the Minister for Energy at the Department of Trade and Industry and Margaret Hodge MP, Minister for Industry and the Regions at the Department of Trade and Industry.

3.6 Margaret Hodge’s Former Aide Kitty Ussher

An actual former Labour minister under Gordon Brown with indirect ties to paedophilia is the former Hodge aide Kitty Ussher:

From 1998 to 2002, she also served as a councillor for Vassall ward in the London Borough of Lambeth, where she chaired the Council’s Finance and Environment Scrutiny Committees. From 2001, until her selection as a parliamentary candidate in February 2004, she was special adviser to Patricia Hewitt at the Department of Trade and Industry.


From 2005 to 2006, Ussher was a member of the Public Accounts Committee. She was Parliamentary Private Secretary to Margaret Hodge, the Minister of State at the Department of Trade and Industry, until 29 June 2007.

As also noted by Dame Alun Roberts:

https://twitter.com/ciabaudo/status/1280922312603324417; https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/council-staff-lobbied-paedophile-foster-a4491986.html

To quote from that July 8, 2020, Evening Standard article “Senior council figures ‘lobbied for convicted paedophile to be allowed to foster’, inquiry hears”:

Senior figures at Lambeth Council lobbied for a convicted paedophile to be allowed to foster children in an angry showdown with a neighbouring local authority, an inquiry has heard.

Care home boss John Carroll’s bid to foster two boys in the late 1980s was blocked when Southwark Council discovered he had been convicted of sexually abusing a child in the past.

Southwark had been asked to provide an independent assessment of Carroll’s application to Lambeth Council, and was told not to be “too rigorous” as he was already in a trusted position running a care home.

Clive Walsh, a senior officer in social services at Southwark who blocked the fostering bid, told the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse on Tuesday he also made a recommendation that Carroll should no longer run a children’s home in Lambeth.

He was called to a showdown meeting between Lambeth and Southwark, and said an official who had overseen a discplinary hearing involving Carroll was “angry” that he had interfered in the council’s business.

“As it related to my decision, the preference was that that be overturned by instruction to me from Southwark, and that was clearly their preference”, he said.

“Their demand was that the record of my view of the inappropriateness of Mr Carroll working as a head of home be expunged from the record.”


Carroll was later sacked for fiddling his expenses, and was jailed in 1998 for a slew of child sex offences.

From another July 2020 Evening Standard article on the abuse in Lambeth:

Prominent politicians and businessmen in Lambeth are accused of trading children for sexual abuse and filming some of the attacks in the town hall, an inquiry has heard.

Lawyers for victims of the Lambeth child sexual abuse scandal say paedophiles “infiltrated” the borough’s children’s homes in the Sixties and senior figures including councillors and police officers “turned a blind eye”.

Barrister Iain O’Donnell told the inquiry yesterday victims believed Lambeth was “corrupt to its core” and accused the council of being “nothing less than grossly negligent”.

He said: “You will hear allegations of the deliberate withholding of documentary evidence from police and inquiries, of other interference into investigations of complaints of sexual abuse from children in Lambeth’s care.”

He added that “of all the investigations heard by this inquiry this is the one where senior authority figures appear to have colluded to ensure that paedophiles were not investigated. As a result of which children continued to be sexually abused rather than protected.”

https://twitter.com/ciabaudo/status/1280958011381616640; https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2013/11/18/virginia-bottomley-and-the-peter-righton-report/

On that coverup from the latter source:


From Peter Righton’s Wikipedia:

Journalist Nick Davies called Righton “a notorious paedophile who attempted to legitimise his obsession in a series of academic studies.”[4] Righton was a founding member of the Paedophile Information Exchange (number 51).[6] Child protection manager Peter McKelvie helped in the investigation. Righton, then living in Evesham, was convicted by a magistrates court in September 1992 of importing child pornography magazines and photographs after Customs and Excise intercepted material being sent to him from the Netherlands that April. A police raid on his home uncovered other paedophile magazines, and letters to and from other paedophiles containing details of abuse. He was fined £900 with £75 costs for importing child abuse images, had the magazines destroyed, and was cautioned for an historical assault.[3][1][6][9] The BBC’s Inside Story documentary reported in 1994 that he was allowed to leave a boarding school under a “gentleman’s agreement” after being found to have abused boys. He had confessed past abuse to child protection colleagues, but they did not act on this out of loyalty to him.[10][11] A former student of his wrote that his position of power, authority and charisma allowed him and other paedophiles to avoid detection and to lead some to turn a blind eye to suspicions.[12] Liz Davies, a reader in child protection at London Metropolitan University who was involved in the investigation into his abuses in Islington, wrote that Righton was allowed to live on the Thornham Magna estate of Lord Henniker in Suffolk, where children from Islington continued to be taken, apparently until his death;[13] Member of Parliament Tom Watson wrote that the Chief Constable of Suffolk warned against Righton being allowed to live on the estate but was ignored.[14]

In October 2012, Watson claimed that Righton was involved in a paedophile ring with connections to the British Government.[6] Former West Mercia police detective Terry Shutt made similar claims in 2014.[3] Operation Cayacos, an investigation into historical claims of child abuse being conducted by the Metropolitan Police, began investigating claims of a paedophile network connected to Righton in 2013.[15] Operation Cayacos is a spin-off of Operation Fairbank, investigating the Elm Guest House child abuse scandal.

3.7 Jimmy Saville and Other High-Profile Names

Additionally, there are some high-profile paedophiles who are connected with Margaret Hodge even more loosely. A very infamous example is Jimmy Saville who appears to have been active in Islington in the 1980s and when Hodge was councillor there from 1982–92:


3.8 Harriet Harman, Elizabeth Butler-Sloss, Patricia Hewitt

These high-profile names also include the Labour MP and 5-fold shadow secretary Harriet Ruth Harman, Elizabeth Butler-Sloss

On 8 July 2014, it was announced that Baroness Butler-Sloss would chair the forthcoming large-scale inquiry into cases of child sex abuse in previous decades.[18] She stood down on 14 July after mounting pressure from victims’ groups and MPs over her suitability regarding the fact that her brother was the Attorney General at the time of some of the abuses in question[19][20] and her perceived unwillingness to include mention of former Anglican bishop Peter Ball.

and the Blairite Labour MP and 3-fold secretary Patricia Hope Hewitt:


Some more paedophile details on Hewitt:


The aforementioned Kitty Ussher is also tied in here since she worked for Patricia Hewitt:

https://twitter.com/ciabaudo/status/1280949949786710028; https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/feb/27/patricia-hewitt-paedophile-information-exchange

To quote from that February 2014 The Guardian article “Patricia Hewitt takes responsibility for mistakes over paedophile campaign”:

Former cabinet minister apologises for ‘getting it wrong’ in 1970s as general secretary of National Council for Civil Liberties

Former cabinet minister Patricia Hewitt has said that the organisation to which she and her former Labour colleague Harriet Harman belonged was “naive and wrong” to accept the assurances of a paedophile group that it was a campaigning and counselling organisation.

Hewitt said that, as general secretary of the National Council for Civil Liberties in the 1970s, she took responsibility for the mistakes that were made and apologised for having “got it wrong” on the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE). The two organisations were affiliated for eight years from 1975 to 1983.

In her first public statement since the scandal came to light earlier this week, Hewitt said: “I got it wrong on PIE and I apologise for having done so.

“NCCL in the 1970s, along with many others, was naive and wrong to accept PIE’s claim to be a ‘campaigning and counselling organisation’ that ‘does not promote unlawful acts’,” she said.

Hewitt added: “As general secretary then, I take responsibility for the mistakes we made.

“I should have urged the executive committee to take stronger measures to protect NCCL’s integrity from the activities of PIE members and sympathisers and I deeply regret not having done so.”

She rejected claims that she had condoned the “vile crimes” of child abusers.

The link-up was in place during the time that Hewitt, a former health secretary, was general secretary of the NCCL, now called Liberty. Labour deputy leader Harman was its legal officer and her husband, Jack Dromey, now a Labour home affairs spokesman, was on the executive.

Among the policies of the PIE was decriminalising sex with children as young as four, and at least seven members were jailed for paedophilia offences.

Harman has said that she regretted the links between the two groups, but insisted that she was the victim of a “politically motivated smear campaign” for allegations she said were “horrible and untrue”.

So they were all involved, but it was all just a big misunderstanding and they are really the victims here.

3.9 Greville Janner and the Bronfmans

Some other people with paedophile connections were also mentioned:


From Greville Janner’s Wikipedia article:

Over the years, starting in 1991, specific allegations of sex abuse of children by Janner in the past — dating ultimately from at least 1955 — were made to authorities. This did not lead to any official action, beyond Janner being questioned once, from the first allegations until 2015. After it was decided in 2015 that he should have been prosecuted earlier, the accusations were to be investigated in a “trial of the facts” in April 2016 — Janner was deemed to be too ill for a criminal trial — but he died before this could happen, though his actions were included in a large inquiry into historical sex abuse.


On 16 April 2015, the CPS issued a statement indicating that they would not charge Janner owing to his poor health.[1] During Leicestershire Police’s Operation Enamel more than 20 men were interviewed who claimed Janner had abused them before they were adults.[54] The CPS stated that the case met their evidential test for prosecution and they would have otherwise have prosecuted on 22 counts of indecent assaults and buggery, against nine persons which are alleged to have occurred between 1969 and 1988.

On the Bronfmans:

https://twitter.com/ciabaudo/status/1141936320241111040; https://reconsider.news/2018/06/15/44163/

NXIVM growth and establishment was firmly cemented with the eventual involvement and large investment by Clare and Sara Bronfman who are the daughters of Edgar Bronfman Sr, a prominent member of the Bilderberg group. The early Bronfman family were Jewish tobacco farmers, who fled Russia and settled in Canada. Eventually, the family moved into the distribution of Alcohol, the business grew massively during the prohibition era and their close associations with US gangsters. Eventually, Bronfman family went under legitimate company name Seagram. At its height Seagram in the 1990’s was the largest owner of alcoholic beverage lines in the world. Through marriage, the Bronfman dynasty ended up garnering connections with the Rothschild family, which eventually seeded the Bronfman Rothschild organisation which advises rich individuals and their families on retirement plans.

Edgar Bronfman Sr. apparently branded NXIVM a cult even though Edgar himself had attended one of their earlier courses. Through a leaked court document it’s claimed the Bronfman sisters gutted their trust funds of $150 million. $66 million was allegedly used to pay off Ranieres failed stock market trading, along with financing a private jet, and large-scale property investments. The sisters helped NXIVM gain a level of spiritual credibility, by organising a visit of the Dalai Lama. The event was largely attended by NXIVM devotees. Raniere himself was granted a personal blessing by the Dalai Lama.

3.10 Margaret Hodge Herself

After highlighting her deep involvement with paedophilia people, onward to Margaret Hodge herself and her personal involvement which consisted in a clear coverup of these crimes:


Some excerpts from that article:


Here is a great summary of what people think of Hodge:


From another article (the link to which was unfortunately lost)

Hodge was aware of previous, horrendous child sex abuse in the care homes for which she was responsible for, and did nothing about it. This was not an either/or. She was incompetent, completely and utterly incompetent, and she knew about it.

She was guilty of rather more than a casual failure of oversight. She dismissed the detailed, accurate reporting of the London Evening Standard — whose editor, Stewart Steven, battled with typical ferocity to hold her to account — as “a sensationalist piece of gutter journalism”. Not content with shutting her eyes to his front pages, our latter-day champion of the whistleblower closed her ears to the courageous whistle-blowing of a social worker, Liz Davies. In an open letter to the BBC after it investigated a range of monstrous abuse (child prostitution, torture, alleged murders), Hodge libelled one of its victims as “seriously disturbed”.

Years later, in 2003, she was forced to pay Demetrius Panton £10,000 in damages for that […]


And in good old Britain we of course cannot be having proper investigations into paedophilia now, can we? — especially not when the Royal Prince ‘Randy Andy’ Andrew might be involved in, yes, the Jeffrey Epstein saga. As such, why not, say (and please note the increasing turn towards the surreal) appoint Hodge to the newly created post of Minister of Children in 2003(!) under Blair and why not, say, launch a mutiny against the Islington North MP and new Labour leader Corbyn in 2016?

https://twitter.com/ProgressiveJimi/status/1021451785217740801; https://www.channel4.com/news/margaret-hodge-calls-for-no-confidence-vote-in-jeremy-corbyn

So what is there not to like about Margaret Hodge? She is by all appearances an unhinged and vindictive multimillionaire Blairite (i.e. controlled opposition), a shill for the war crime committing apartheid state of Israel, and a ‘Dame’ who was most likely involved in covering up cases of paedophilia.

4. #HodgeComparisons

Meet Margaret Hodge, the Twitter trendsetter

Speaking of Hodge’s mental unhingedness: She not only displays a Hillary Clintonesque and psychopath-like inability to attribute blame to oneself in seriously wondering why (oh why!? “Is this fair?”) the Labour party could possibly have launched an investigation against her (cough, backstabbing, cough):


To further cement her mental unhingedness, Hodge even doubled down on all of her previous hyperbole and slander by making the utterly outrageous claim that this labour investigation made her “think about treatment of jews in 1930s Germany.

And thus, a Twitter meme and hashtag that goes by the name of #HodgeComparisons was born.


A short selection of the many very fine and creative examples of ripping the completely unhinged (or bought off) Margaret Hodge a new one are as follows:


So instead of asking the intended to be distracting and divisive question “Is Corbyn (Labour) anti-semitic?”, it would be best if we do not fall for that transparent divide and conquer scheme of the parasitic ‘elites.’ Instead, I think that we should get a little bit creative ourselves — for instance by asking “Is Margaret Hodge secretly working for Israel?” or “How deeply is Margaret ‘(former) Minister of Children’ Hodge involved in UK paedophilia rings?”

conceiveable creative subtitle for the background picture of Hodge’s Twitter account (August 17, 2018): “Yes kids, *that* is where I covered up the sexual abuse of other kids!”

Above all, however, we should ask “When will the utterly unbearable Margaret Hodge, who is basically begging for the following measure, finally be kicked out of the Labour Party?”



Gregor Flock
Gregor Flock

Written by Gregor Flock

independent philosopher (univie.academia.edu/GregorFlock) and journalist, Global Civil Society Network founder (www.gcsno.org/my-blog/), Tweets @GFlock_GCSN.

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