Ziofascist Israel Explained in a Star Wars Analogy

Gregor Flock
4 min readOct 23, 2023


The genocide that imperialist Zionist Israel is currently committing against Palestinians — including with the help of imperialist Western states — can also be suitably explained via the following Star Wars analogy that is fundamentally supported by the Star Wars creator George Lucas:


Zei Squirrel also pointed out further parallels and similarities:

https://twitter.com/zei_squirrel/status/1716395111615983760; https://twitter.com/zei_squirrel/status/1277457363935596544

The Star Wars Analogy to Ziofascist Israel

But to return to the Star Wars analogy: The analogy begins with the promising and young Anakin Skywalker (= young Zionism and future Israel) who was originally taught by the overeager Obi Wan Kenobi (= Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism) and against the wishes and inhibitions of Master Yoda and the Jedi Council (= Judaism, international law and all that is good and right).


Master Yoda: “Grave danger I fear in his training.”

Obi Wan Kenobi: “Master Yoda, […] I *will* train Anakin — without the approval of the Council if I must.”

Unfortunately and to make matters far, far worse, young Anakin (= young Zionism and future Israel) also got into contact with and was secretly groomed and perverted by Senator Palpatine aka Darth Sidious (= the British Empire and Nazi Germany) who undermined and ended democracy in the Republic before becoming Emperor Palpatine (= the Zionazi leader and manipulator Benjamin Netanyahu):


Darth Sidius: “I hope you trust me, Anakin. […] I need your help, son.”

Thusly manipulated, Anakin turned against Master Yoda and the entire Jedi Council (= Judaism, international law and what is good and right):


In the process and due to more imperialist lies and seductions, Anakin not only assists in the killing of the Yedi Council member and Master Jedi Mace Windu (= Zionism equating anti-Semitism):


Mace Windu: “I am going to end this once and for all!”

Anakin Skywalker [propagandized]: “You can’t! He must stand trial.” (= adhere to the rules of a totally rigged and perverted system).

Mace Windu [wise]: “He has control of the senate and the courts. He is too dangerous to be left alive.” (= kill the parasitic imperialist elites for good, the official procedures are useless now).

Darth Sidius [lying and fake-whimpering]: “I’m too weak, ah, oh. Don’t kill me. Pleeease.”

Anakin Skywalker [propagandized]: “It’s not the Jedi way. He must live. […] I need him!” (= go empire go!)

To seal the deal, Palpatine then manipulates Anakin into killing or ‘sacrificing’ young Jedi pupils (= Palestinian children and civilians) at the Jedi Temple (= Palestine), a defining act (= Zionist Israel’s October 2023 genocide of Palestinians) that symbolizes Anakin (= young Zionism) becoming Darth Vader and irreversibly joining the dark side (= contemporary rightwing extremist Ziofascism and Zionazism):


This in turn is also a key step in how the already problematic Republic becomes the Galactic Empire (= Zionist Israel becoming Zionazi Israel or Nazi Germany 2.0).

Anyone who still “stands with” imperialist Zionist Israel at this point thus stands with or has joined the dark side. And pointing that out is where the “responsibility of intellectuals” such as myself comes in:

https://twitter.com/IssaShivji/status/1716441032768848313; https://twitter.com/IssaShivji/status/1716441036153594282

Today, that “new stage in the development of imperialism” comes under the “nomenclature” of ‘Western values,’ ‘freedom and democracy’ or ‘the international rules-based order.’ But these are all disguises for the same insane old imperialist project of the same insane old parasitic elites with the same insane old goals:


Darth Sidius [while killing or ‘sacrificing’ Mace Windu]: “UNLIMITED POWER!!”

So if you have watched the Star Wars movies and if you apply the above to Israel and its ‘great leader’ Benjamin Netanyahu (and despite that only being an analogy), you actually arrive at a rather accurate understanding of what Ziofascist and Zionazi Israel and its leaders are all about and why they are doing what they are doing: Because they have all joined the dark side, meaning that they are all lying, rotten and evil to the core. And that is how they should be treated and dealt with.



Gregor Flock
Gregor Flock

Written by Gregor Flock

independent philosopher (univie.academia.edu/GregorFlock) and journalist, Global Civil Society Network founder (www.gcsno.org/my-blog/), Tweets @GFlock_GCSN.

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