Ziofascist Israel versus The Axis of Resistance, Part 3: Israel Attacks Southern Lebanon, Assassinates Hezbollah Leader Hassan Nasrallah
An article in several sections: 1. September 21, 2024; 2. September 22 to 26, 2024; 3. September 27, 2024: Israel Bombs Apartment Buildings and, Supposedly, Hassan Nasrallah’s Bunker; 4. September 28, 2024: Confirmation of the Assassination of Hezbollah Leader Hassan Nasrallah; 5. September 29, 2024.

1. September 21, 2024

Behold the huge expanding pressure wave of the blast which is either from a small tactical nuke or a thermobaric bomb:


2. September 22 to 26, 2024

Omar Baddar: “[…] Israel got so used to a dynamic of dominance in the region that the idea that there are now other parties in the region that are willing to poke at Israel militarily is something that Israel finds unacceptable. And they’re determined — not through behaving reasonably, not through negotiations and a reasonable agreement with neighboring countries and a ceasefire in Gaza, but through brute military force — to restore a dynamic in which Israel is in charge in the region and everybody knows their place and stays quiet and backs off when Israel when Israel gets angry.
And the balance of power has shifted to a point to where that’s also not viable, and therefore, the confrontation at this point is inevitable. […]”

Just like in Gaza, there are the usual Ziofascist Israeli attacks on civilians and civilian buildings:

The usual Ziofascist Israeli attacks on children:

James Elder: “From where I am now in Gaza, to children in hospital wards across Lebanon, there’s become an acceptance of the suffering of children, of the pain of children.”
The usual Ziofascist Israeli attacks on women and elderly:

The usual Ziofascist Israeli attacks on journalists:

An nearby explosion in the background can be heard: Boudiya screams as the window explodes, presumably hurting him with flying glass shards:
The usual Ziofascist Israeli attacks on or near hospitals and ambulances:

The usual Ziofascist Israeli attacks on houses of worship:

Grim but realistic outlooks towards Ziofascist Israeli attempting to destroy and to conquer land — including Lebanon — in order to build a Greater Israel:

Massive Israeli air strikes on residential towns in southern and eastern Lebanon killed at least 492 people on Monday, in what has been Lebanon’s bloodiest day for decades.
At least 35 children, 58 women and two emergency responders were among the dead, Lebanon’s health minister said, adding that more than 1,645 others were wounded.
An air strike on southern Beirut targeted Ali Karaki, the head of Hezbollah’s southern command, in the parking of his building, security sources told Middle East Eye. Hezbollah announced later on Monday that Karaki is alive and has “moved to a safe place”.
The attacks on Lebanon and Hezbollah forced tens of thousands to flee north to find safety, with air strikes leaving smoking ruins on the roadside as Lebanese sought safety.
People across the country were contacted by Israel by phone and ordered to leave their homes.
In response to the bombardment, Hezbollah fired rockets at military targets in northern Israel and illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said there would be “complicated” days ahead and that he sought to “change the balance of power”.
Lebanese security sources believe that the situation will likely escalate in the coming days, but the military and other security services do not predict an Israeli ground invasion, despite the massing of troops near the border.
“Israel knows that if it infiltrates Lebanon, the Lebanese army and Hezbollah will have military superiority on the ground,” one source told Middle East Eye.
“If the Israeli army carries out a ground invasion, the Lebanese army will participate with Hezbollah in confronting and defending.”
A source close to Hezbollah believes the Israeli attacks are aimed at displacing the population of south Lebanon in retaliation for the way the movement’s attacks on northern Israel have forced evacuations there.
Over the weekend, an Israeli minister called for the “Shia enemy population” of south Lebanon to be expelled and a buffer zone created on the border. […]
The Trump factor to the equation:

The Ziofascist Israeli propagandist Eli David in confirmation:

Ziofascist Minister of Education Yoav Kisch: “There is no difference between Hezbollah and Lebanon. The way things are progressing at the moment, Lebanon will be annihilated. And I say this even now in a very blunt way: We are in a type of event where Lebanon is going towards annihilation. It will not be the same Lebanon as they know. I am not going to deal with hunting down Lebanon’s rockets. The price of aggression from Lebanon’s territory will be paid by the state of Lebanon. ”
Channel 14 Interviewer: “Excuse me, Mr. Kisch, you used a word — you asked me not to interrupt you — ‘annihilated.’ The term ‘annihilation’, in Hebrew, has a connotation. You know, the Defense Minister [Gallant] said, Lebanon will be back to the Stone Age.”
Ziofascist Yoav Kisch: “You know what? I am correcting myself: Lebanon will not be annihilated. Lebanon as we know it will not exist. Lebanon will pay the heavy price because of Hezbollah. […]”
Ziofascist Israeli excuse 1 for attacking Lebanon and the Lebanese: Hezbollah — like Hamas — is supposedly everyone and everywhere:

Ziofascist Israeli excuse 2 for attacking: Lebanon is supposedly not a state:

Ziofascist Israeli excuse 3: Hezbollah — or perhaps also Hassan Nasrallah himself (!)—supposedly uses the Lebanese as ‘human shields’:

Some reactions:

Ziofascist Israeli excuse 4: Mere computer generated images (CGIs) that are totally disconnected from the facts:

Ziofascist Israeli excuse 5: Lebanese civilians supposedly have Hezbollah missiles in their homes(!):

A reply:


Ziofascist Orwellian propagandist Daniel Hagari: “About an hour ago, following indications that Hezbollah was preparing to fire towards Israeli territory, we began striking terrorist targets throughout Lebanon. The Hezbollah [i.e. Israeli!] terrorist organisation has been continuously launching attacks on Israeli [non-Israeli!] civilians and there is no plans to stop.[!]
This is southern Lebanon. There are dozens of Lebanese villages situated along approximately 80 kilometers of the border with Israel. For over 20 years, Hezbollah has deployed its arms inside homes and militarized civilian infrastructure. As a result, the Hezbollah [Israeli!] terrorist organisation has turned southern Lebanon into a battlefield.”

Ziofascist Orwellian propagandist Daniel Hagari: “This is a [computer generated image of a!] village in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah stores cruise missiles, rockets, launchers and UAVs inside civilian homes[!] hidden behind the Lebanese population living in the village. We are monitoring these activities, locating the weapons, and destroying them with precise intelligence-based strikes.

Ziofascist Orwellian propagandist Daniel Hagari: “I wanna show you an example of a strike carried out a few weeks ago. Here we are exposing Hezbollah’s method of hiding a cruise missile inside a home.[!]”
Ziofascist Orwellian propagandist Daniel Hagari: “Shortly, the IDF will engage in extensive precise strikes against terror targets[!] which have been embedded widely throughout Lebanon. We ask residents of Lebanese villages to pay attention to the message and warning published by the IDF and heed them. This is an advance warning for your own safety and the safety of your family. […] Move out of harm’s way immediately. Hezbollah is endangering you and your families. […] Hassan Nasrallah is responsible for this. […]”

On the Israeli ‘evacuation warnings’ to Lebanese civilians:

The Ziofascist Israelis again target highways along which civilians are fleeing, just like in Gaza:

Western MSM propaganda:

Hezbollah retaliatory strikes against Ziofascist Israel:

There is more to come if Ziofascist Israel doesn’t back off:

The end of insane Israel, which has about as much of a future as insane Nazi Germany, thus becomes more and more apparent:

Ziofascist Israel crying crocodile tears and playing the victim:



3. September 27, 2024: Israel Bombs Apartment Buildings and, Supposedly, Hassan Nasrallah’s Bunker

Ziofascist Israel destroys six building blocks in Dahiya — and allegedly assassinates the Hezbollah leader Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah?

Western ‘values’ are in play again:

Claims about Hassan Nasrallah’s death could be a distraction from and excuse for the war crimes that the Ziofascist Israeli commits in Lebanon:

According to some sources, Netanyahu supposedly made the decision to level those blocks at the UN(GA) in New York:

According to another source, Netanyahu made a call after the bombing of those blocks:

Other Ziofascist Israeli attacks and killings in Lebanon:

Some historical context:

Hezbollah targets the city of Safad in northern Israel:


Ziofascist state propaganda from the BBC:


US complicity:

More insanity:

4. September 28, 2024: Confirmation of the Assassination of Hezbollah Leader Hassan Nasrallah

Confirmation by Hezbollah:

Several statements of Hassan Nasrallah, beginning with a 1992 statement after the assassination of the previous Hezbollah leader:

Nasrallah on martyrdom:

Hassan Nasrallah: “The best metaphor for a Westerner to try to understand this truth is to think of a person being in a sauna bath for a long time. He is very thirsty and tired and hot, and he is suffering from the effect of the high temperature. Then he is told that if he opens the door, he can go into a quiet, comfortable room, drink a nice cocktail, and hear beautiful classical music. Then he will open the door and go through without hesitation, knowing that what he leaves behind is not a high price to pay and what awaits him is of much greater value. […]”
Nasrallah on resistance against settler-colonialism:

Hassan Nasrallah: “I assure all of you, to the enemy, to the friend, to the whole world: You cannot eliminate Hezbollah, nor will you be able to eliminate the honorable resistance movements in Palestine. […]”
Nasrallah on imperialism:

Hassan Nasrallah: “You have a trinity of the oil companies, the weapons industry and the so called Christian Zionism. The decision making is in the hands of this alliance. Israel used to be a tool at the hands of the British, and now it is a tool in the hands of America.”
A statement from the Lebanoese Socialist-Democratic party:

A Hamas statement on the Ziofascist Israeli assassination of Nasrallah:

A statement from Yemen:

From Russia:

The official reason given for the assassination of Nasrallah by Ziofascist Israel — Nasrallah would not abandon Palestine:

The likely successor:

Resistance against genocidal Ziofascist settler-colonialism will continue:

This sobering moment is a turning point in the long regional war for liberation from racist, Western-backed settler-colonial Zionism. But after a century of Zionism’s depredations and horrors, neither the people of Lebanon nor Palestine have surrendered, and there’s no reason to believe they will now.
On the contrary, after the initial shock, the determination of the resistance will only increase, and its circle will expand, as it has in every phase of the liberation struggle.
Nor does the assassination of Nasrallah, with American bombs and American warplanes, and perhaps other assistance from Washington, change the trajectory of the downward decline of US global power — the power on which Israel relies for its survival.
Let’s recall too that the Zionists have always used assassination as a primary tactic. However, their war is not against individual leaders, but against entire peoples whose determination cannot be so easily snuffed out.
Nasrallah himself assumed the leadership of Hizballah after Israel murdered his predecessor Abbas al-Musawi in 1992. Nasrallah grew the organization to unprecedented strength.
That strength is not based on the will of one individual, but on a base of support deeply committed to the cause and willing — as Nasrallah himself never failed to point out — to make enormous sacrifices on the road to liberation.
If the Israeli army has admitted Hamas cannot be destroyed because “Hamas is an idea, Hamas is a party,” then what about Hizballah?
What is most sobering is that the war to liberate Palestine and the region from Zionism will be no less brutal on the people of the region than the wars to liberate Algeria, Vietnam, South Africa and so many other places targeted by the Euro-American empire.
After all, the occupiers and colonizers are the same countries, and the genocidal hatred their ruling classes bear towards the people whose land and rights they seek to usurp has never dimmed.
Like others before him, Nasrallah gave his life on the road to liberate Palestine, and that struggle did not end today.
Increased Ziofascist Israeli troop mobilization for, presumably, the regional war that Israel always wanted:

Retaliatory strikes by, seemingly, Hezbollah on Tel Aviv:

Apparent participation in or monitoring of the assassination of Nasrallah:

Joe Biden:

Antony Blinken:

Lloyd Austin:

Replies to Austin:

5. September 29, 2024

Reminders that, in the context of their insane Greater Israel project, the Ziofascist Israelis have had plans to invade Lebanon for the longest time:

The Ziofascist Israeli irony of speaking about terrorism and terrorists:


Noam Chomsky: “The United States considers Hezbollah a terrorist organization, but the term ‘terrorism’ is used by the great powers simply to refer to forms of violence of which they disapprove.
So the US was of course supporting the Israeli invasions and occupation of Southern Lebanon. Hezbollah was instrumental in driving them out. So for that reason, they are a terrorist organization.”