Ziofascist Israel Is Nazi Germany 2.0, Part 2—Similarities 6 to 10: Racism and Ethnosupremacism, Concentration Camps, Unethical Human Experiments, Delusional Cult, Insane and Evil

Gregor Flock
44 min readOct 5, 2024


An article in five sections: Similarity 6: Ziofascist Israel Is a Racist-Ethnosupremacist and Other-Dehumanizing State like Nazi Germany; Similarity 7: Ziofascist Israel Uses Concentration Camps Like Nazi Germany; Similarity 8: Ziofascist Israel Conducts Unethical Human Experiments Like Nazi Germany; Similarity 9: Ziofascist Israel Is a Cultist State like Nazi Germany; Similarity 10: Ziofascist Israel Is an Insane and Evil State Like Nazi Germany. (Part 1)


Narrator: spread fake literature from the minority, claiming that it was evidence that they want to destroy you […] give contraceptives to minority groups to stop them from reproducing […] claiming that if you lost the war, the minority group will rape your women and kill your children […] claiming that the minority group was lazy, useless and exploitative […] established laws that restricted the movement of people and created segregated areas […] had a minister say that a minority group are not human but rather animals […] threatened to attack neighbouring countries […] — it happened in both


Similarity 6: Ziofascist Israel Is a Racist-Ethnosupremacist and Other-Dehumanizing State like Nazi Germany

Just like other white racists such as the 20th century British imperialists who had sponsored the settler-colonialist state of Israel, German Nazis also used falsely self-elevating and other-lowering propaganda. This gave them delusions and illusions of superiority and which made it easier for them to commit their grave mass crimes against thusly othered humans or dehumanized others.

https://twitter.com/joshua_landis/status/1753864327503692128; also see https://twitter.com/BenjaminNorton/status/1753942931231404424
https://twitter.com/BenjaminNorton/status/1603403516491464705; https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2022/12/12/britain-100-million-india-deaths-colonialism/
https://twitter.com/BenjaminNorton/status/1603405117021360129; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ob_lIQRAnYM
https://twitter.com/BenjaminNorton/status/1753945442419962199; https://twitter.com/BenjaminNorton/status/1603808680499200000

The very same is the case for Ziofascist Israelis who are likewise under the collective delusion that they are inherently better and that they can therefore engage in the most immoral acts against others — i.e. the goyim or non-Jews — and, in particular, native Palestinians:


Coincidentally, this amounts to what can literally only be called “Zionazism” and “Zionazis.” From the following April 2019 Times of Israel article:


Two rabbis at a pre-military religious academy in a West Bank settlement were recorded making derogatory and racist comments about Arabs, defending Adolf Hitler’s worldview, and openly promoting Jewish supremacy.

In a series of undated recordings published by Channel 13 news on Monday, Rabbi Eliezer Kashtiel, the head of the Bnei David academy in Eli, can be heard calling for the enslavement of the “stupid and violent” non-Jews due to their genetic inferiority.

“The gentiles will want to be our slaves. Being a slave to a Jew is the best. They’re glad to be slaves, they want to be slaves,” he told a class in one of the video clips. “Instead of just walking the streets and being stupid and violent and harming each other, once they’re slaves, their lives can begin to take shape.”

“All around us, we are surrounded by peoples with genetic problems. Ask a simple Arab ‘where do you want to be?’ He wants to be under the occupation. Why? Because they have genetic problems, they don’t know how to run a country, they don’t know how to do anything. Look at them.”

In the lecture, Kashtiel goes on to embrace racism against non-Jews.

“Yes, we’re racists. We believe in racism… There are races in the world and peoples have genetic traits, and that requires us to try to help them,” he said. “The Jews are a more successful race.”


In another clip from the Bnei David Yeshiva published by Channel 13, Rabbi Giora Redler can be heard praising Hitler’s ideology during a lesson about the Holocaust.

“Let’s just start with whether Hitler was right or not,” he told students. “He was the most correct person there ever was, and was correct in every word he said… he was just on the wrong side.”

Redler goes on to say that pluralism is the “real” genocide being perpetrated against the Jewish people, not Nazi Germany’s Final Solution.

“The real Holocaust was not when they murdered the Jews, that’s not it. All these excuses — that it was ideological or systematic — are nonsense,” he said. “Humanism, and the secular culture of ‘We believe in man,’ that’s the Holocaust.”

The comments drew wide condemnation from opposition lawmakers who called for pulling all state funding to the Eli-based academy over Kashtiel’s and Redler’s remarks.

“This is not Judaism, and these are not our values,” Blue and White MK Yair Lapid said in a statement. “People who talk this way are not worthy of calling themselves rabbis… the state needs to stop funding this program until the racist rabbis are removed.”


A minor problem for the ‘chosen Jewish people’ is that DNA testing shows that they are just a bunch of European settler-colonizers who do not belong to Palestine:

https://twitter.com/jakeshieldsajj/status/1741594238226415912; https://twitter.com/jorymicah/status/1741461961454272697

From a 2019 Jerusalem Post article:


The tests are controversial since they cannot definitively prove Jewish status and can serve only as an aide in the status clarification process ordered by rabbinical courts for many citizens, especially from the former Soviet Union, who seek to marry through the chief rabbinate.


The Ziofascist Israelis’ racism can also logically inferred from their apartheid system, because it is only ever racist settler-colonialists such as the whites in South Africa who install an apartheid system:


Mohammed Hijab: “Justice is a prerequisite for peace. […] According to UN Convention 1973, it’s an apartheid system. And as a prerequisite of an apartheid system, you have to be a racist. If you support that, you are racist.”

Furthermore, the

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379, adopted on 10 November 1975 by a vote of 72 to 35 (with 32 abstentions), “determine[d] that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination”.

The Ziofascist Israeli representative to the UN — Chaim Herzog, the father of the current Ziofascist Israeli president Jitzhak Herzog — already threw tantrums and theatrically tore up documents back then and just like the current Ziofascist Israeli representative to the UN Gilad Erdan did in late 2023.

Between 1975 and 1978 he served as Israel’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, in which capacity he denounced UN General Assembly Resolution 3379 — the “Zionism is Racism” resolution — and symbolically tore it up before the assembly

And there are also other ways in which not just Israel but even Chaim Herzog disregarded international law and conventions:

From 1950 to 1954, he served as defence attaché at the Israeli Embassy in the United States. Herzog left Washington in September 1954. A State Department official had informed him that he was about to be declared persona non grata. The decision to expel him had been taken following an FBI investigation into his attempt to recruit a Jordanian diplomat.[9]

Like father, like son. But one could also say ‘Like USA, like Israel’:


One could furthermore say ‘Like Nazi Germany, like Israel’:


As also explained by the Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer and the Israeli journalist Gideon Levy:


More examples for Ziofascist Israel’s racism and the dehumanization of othered Palestinians include the following:

https://twitter.com/berningman16/status/1724569936566350230; https://twitter.com/real1maria/status/1724677757982916972

US students even got paid/bribed to attend these racist Zionist hate marches by the Israel on Campus Coalition:


More on Ziofascist and Zionazi Israel’s dehumanization of Palestinians:

https://twitter.com/MaxBlumenthal/status/1713225576830349688; https://twitter.com/Ostrov_A/status/1712750062126662133
https://twitter.com/SocialistVoice/status/1713233307087904877; https://twitter.com/Ostrov_A/status/1712750062126662133

Another such Ziofascist hasbara propagandist who uses dehumanizing, fear- and hatemongering propaganda just like the Nazis is an Eli David:

https://twitter.com/ShehabiFares/status/1721234973544284443; https://twitter.com/bass4themasses/status/1721227746267812045

A background check reveals that Eli David is deeply integrated into the global Ziofascist network which explains why he disseminates Ziofascist propaganda:


Eli David accordingly also approvingly retweets other Ziofascist dehumanizers of Palestinians such as Marco Rubio:


One of countless deluded Rabbis:

https://twitter.com/jvgraz/status/1723272918770311343; https://twitter.com/QudsNen/status/1723241828785303696

What it feels like to Palestinians:

https://twitter.com/itranslate123/status/1718575773395632410; https://twitter.com/rafaelshimunov/status/1718392146074443983

Due to their deluded Jewish (white) supremacist beliefs, one can accordingly also find many examples of Zionist and Ziofascist anti-Black racism and dehumanization:


From a March 2022 article about measures to keep the ‘Jewish blood pure’:

https://twitter.com/mano_da_bounce/status/1722321809427636232; https://www.arabnews.com/node/2040551/amp
https://twitter.com/andrewfeinstein/status/1731278865920594266; https://twitter.com/muhammadshehad2/status/1731277290263195909
https://twitter.com/HoneyandRum_/status/1735749875881406711; https://twitter.com/EricKigada/status/1735653883492380913

An example of such racism from Harvard, the most Zionist and Ziofascist university in the USA that was also used by the convicted sex offender, blackmailer and Israeli intelligence asset Jeffrey Epstein:

https://twitter.com/hgsuuaw/status/1723117585997160684 to https://twitter.com/hgsuuaw/status/1723117590870900901

McGill University, Canada’s MKULTRA university:


From the recently deceased US war criminal Henry Kissinger who also graduated from the Zionist-contaminated Harvard University:

https://twitter.com/NathanTankus/status/1731092077457367446; https://www.nixonlibrary.gov/white-house-tapes/525/conversation-525-001

Old, white, male, conservative people are the problem:


Seen from a more general perspective:




…there is only a white(-passing) Ziofascist and Zionazi Israel problem. Speaking of which: Eugenics was also a German Nazi practice:

https://twitter.com/DD_Geopolitics/status/1729960368674631878; https://ddgeopolitics.substack.com/p/israels-posthumous-sperm-retrieval

From this July 2023 article:

https://twitter.com/jrafati/status/1730766191080120799; https://www.timesofisrael.com/ex-mossad-chief-netanyahu-allies-worse-than-kkk-overhaul-is-his-master-plan/

Former Mossad director Tamir Pardo on Thursday offered a scathing critique of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, charging that Netanyahu brought parties worse than the Ku Klux Klan into his government.

In an interview with Kan radio, Pardo said Netanyahu’s government includes “horrible racist parties” that are not far from the world view of the ruling Likud party, including Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich’s Religious Zionism and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir’s Otzma Yehudit.

The ex-spy chief claimed that they are even “a lot worse” than the Ku Klux Klan, referencing calls by lawmakers for Israel to destroy the West Bank Palestinian town of Huwara.

“The nation is breaking into two and it doesn’t move [Netanyahu], he doesn’t blink, and a second after the vote finished, the look of happiness on the faces of MKs was a horrible thing in my eyes,” he said, referencing Monday’s Knesset vote approving the “reasonableness law,” which limits judicial review of governmental and ministerial decisions.

The bill was part of the government’s efforts to overhaul the judiciary, which have ignited sustained, mass public protests, and opposition from military personnel, business leaders, foreign allies, and others.

“The leader has lost his mind. Nothing that has happened would have happened if the prime minister didn’t lead this process,” he said, claiming it is an “urban legend” that Netanyahu is being led by extremists in the government.

“Someone took the Ku Klux Klan and brought it into the government, and this is what happened,” he said, adding that the fact that Netanyahu placed Smotrich as a minister within the Defense Ministry proves that their views on the future of Israel are not far apart.

Smotrich is a staunch opponent of a Palestinian state, and has a history of making inflammatory statements against Palestinians, Arab citizens of Israel, non-Orthodox Jews, and the LGBTQ community, including once declaring himself a “proud homophobe.” In 2021, he said David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, should have “finished the job” and kicked all Palestinians out of the country when it was founded. Earlier that same year, he said members of Israel’s Arab minority communities were citizens “for now at least.”

Ziofascist Israeli racism and dehumanization of the other in AI:

https://twitter.com/Kristywithaky/status/1720761960084410857; https://twitter.com/LTrotsky21/status/1720760235709620539

James Schneider: “[…] a lot of artificial intelligence is neither artificial nor intelligent.”


Google’s Gemini AI:


Open AI:


Similarity 7: Ziofascist Israel Uses Concentration Camps Like Nazi Germany

The German Nazis were also infamous for having used concentration camps such as Auschwitz and for having mass murdered therein detained people. This once again also applies to the Ziofascist and Zionazi Israelis who do the very same thing in the not just “open air prison” but open air concentration camp of Gaza where these settler-colonialist criminals detain without charges over two million Palestinians:

https://twitter.com/Chill_Goblin/status/1712955807749263830; https://twitter.com/Chill_Goblin/status/1712955808990818327; https://twitter.com/Chill_Goblin/status/1712955810379075707; https://twitter.com/Chill_Goblin/status/1712955811696177182

Some Ziofascist Israelis also confirmed that Gaza is intended to be a concentration camp. From August 2014:


Even Tony Blair’s sister-in-law confirmed that Gaza is not a prison but a concentration camp:


“A prison is somewhere where criminals go. So the minute you talk about prison, it’s like ‘Oh yeah, Palestinian criminals, they’re all in that prison called Gaza.’ No. Men, women and children who have committed no crime are not prisoners, agreed? […] Good. Secondly, in a prison, the one who controls the prison has to give three meals a day. They have rights to healthcare, they have to have clean water. And here’s a really important thing: They get visitation from the outside world, from their families, and they have a due date to leave. None of these apply to the people of Gaza who have for 16 years been under an illegal siege.

[…] They’re fishing the sea, the Gazan area of sea, enshrined in this useless international law, and sees their fishermen regularly bombed out of the water, regularly murdered. So there is no way to get in or out. There’s no airport [it was destroyed by Israel a few years after it opened], there’s, there’s no rail system, there’s no busses taking them here or there. So therefore, the definition of a concentration camp, a space where men, women and children are crowded into an oppressive conditions by an external force because of their — and listen to this — political beliefs, religious beliefs, views, ethnicity, and then they are treated harshly. That’s what’s the Gazan people have experienced and are experiencing right now. We have Zionist Jews bombing a concentration camp. Congratulations.”


One could also liken Gaza to the Warsaw ghetto though which, like the Gazans, also develeped armed resistance against against the fascist regime which kept them detained there under appalling conditions:


Unironically, the Zionazis apparently want to kill Hamas with gas in the Zionazi concentration camp of Gaza:

https://twitter.com/m7mdkurd/status/1717349975623926228; https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-war-exclusive-israel-will-flood-hamas-tunnels-nerve-gas-under-delta-force-supervision

Palestinian groups expect Israel to flood Hamas tunnels with a type of nerve gas or chemical weapon under the surveillance of US Delta Force commandos as part of a surprise attack on the Gaza Strip, a senior Arab source familiar with the Palestinian groups told Middle East Eye.

Israel and the US hope to achieve the element of surprise in order to penetrate Hamas tunnels, rescue an estimated 220 hostages, and kill thousands of soldiers belonging to Hamas’ al-Qassam Brigades, the source said, noting that the information they received came from a leak originating in the US.

Middle East Eye cannot independently verify the information in the leak.

“The plan hinges on the element of surprise so as to decisively win the battle, using internationally forbidden gases, particularly nerve gas, and chemical weapons. Large quantities of nerve gas would be pumped into the tunnels,” the source said.

The source added that the US Delta Force will oversee “large quantities of nerve gas being pumped into Hamas tunnels, capable of paralysing the bodily movement for a period of time between six and 12 hours.


US Department of Defense Spokesperson Sabrina Singh commented on the leak saying, “This is not true and this reporting is inaccurate.”

MEE reached out to the White House for comment but did not receive a response by time of publication.

The US is coordinating with Israel ahead of its expected invasion of Gaza, with US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin holding near-daily phone calls with his Israeli counterpart, Yoav Gallant, to discuss operations.

Senior US military officials with knowledge of urban warfare have also been dispatched to Israel.

In case the similarities of Ziofascist Israel to Nazi Germany were not clear enough yet:


Similarity 8: Ziofascist Israel Conducts Unethical Human Experiments Like Nazi Germany

In their concentration camps, the German Nazis and infamous figures such as the Nazi doctor Josef Mengele also conducted horrible, sadistic and oftentimes deadly human experiments on their detainees. The Ziofascist Israelis are once again doing something similar with the Palestinians detainees in the concentration camp of Gaza, except that their human experiments mainly consist of weapon experiments, including chemical weapons, which are then sold internationally as “battle-tested” by Ziofascist Israeli arms manufacturers such as the infamous and internationally boycotted Elbit.

Some examples, beginning with the May 2018 Al Jazeera article “Palestinians face ‘explosive’ bullets, dangerous gas bombs”:

Al-Zaieem is among the 24 Palestinians who have had their limbs amputated since the March of Great Return mass protests started on March 30.

Medics on the ground say Israeli forces are shooting at demonstrators with a new type of round — never seen before — known as the “butterfly bullet”, which “explodes” upon impact, pulverizing tissue, arteries and bone, while causing severe internal injuries.

All 24 amputees were shot with a single “explosive” bullet, including journalists Yaser Murtaja and Ahmad Abu Hussein who succumbed to their wounds after being shot in the abdomen.

“All of their internal organs were totally destroyed, pulverized,” said Ashraf al-Qedra, Gaza’s health ministry spokesman.

The bullets are the deadliest the Israeli army has ever used, according to al-Qedra.

“Normally, a regular bullet breaks the leg [upon impact]. But these bullets create massive wounds, indicating that an explosion happened inside the body. It’s an expanding bullet. It pulverizes the leg, and the leg gets cut off [as a result],” al-Qedra explained.

A wounded demonstrator is evacuated at a recent March of Great Return protest, where Palestinians demand the right to return to their homeland [Ibraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters]


Medical staff from Doctors Without Borders (MSF) operating in Gaza say patients who have been shot with the rounds have sustained fist-sized wounds of an “unusual severity” and will have to undergo “complex surgical operations”.

“Half of the more than 500 patients we have admitted in our clinics have injuries where the bullet has literally destroyed tissue after having pulverized the bone,” said Marie-Elisabeth Ingres, head of MSF in Palestine, in a report.

“Managing these injuries is very difficult… A lot of patients will keep functional deficiencies for the rest of their life.”

Explosive rounds were banned internationally under the 1899 Hague Convention because of the “unnecessary injury and suffering caused from large bullet wounds”.

Under international law, when the use of force is unavoidable, law enforcement officials must make all efforts to minimise injury.

“We know about the kind of wounds that this bullet creates in the body and from the remnants of the bullets, the shrapnel that they take out. We know that this is something that we’ve never seen before,” al-Qedra said, adding that the rounds have been used since the March of Great Return movement began.


Many have documented how Israel has “turned the occupied territories into a laboratory for refining, testing and showcasing its weapons systems”, which it later sells worldwide with the advertisement that the products have been “tested in combat”.

Israel is smaller than New York, yet it’s believed to be the largest per capita weapons exporter in the world.

The “butterfly” bullet, however, isn’t the only new weapon featured prominently in the protests in Gaza.

Palestinians have also noted an unknown toxic gas launched at demonstrators, which provokes severe convulsions.

The yellow-green gas has caused many who were exposed to it to convulse, their legs and bodies thrashing violently as they lay on the ground.


Others suffered from asphyxia or experienced extreme migraines and rapid heart rates.

“It’s much more dangerous than tear gas, and its symptoms are more severe,” explained Dr Ashraf Joma’a, a chemistry specialist from Gaza, noting it is difficult to find an appropriate treatment.

“One of the cases is Ahmed Zo’rob, 18, who has lost his consciousness since the first Friday of the march [March 30] and has been transferred to Egypt for treatment,” Joma’a said.

“We have unexploded gas bombs as samples here, but the scientific potential in Gaza is too weak to properly detect the various advanced gases used by the Israeli occupation,” Joma’a said.

“These are internationally prohibited weapons, and we call on the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the international community to send an investigative committee.”

Seventy-five people are currently being hospitalised because of exposure to the gas.

Last Friday, Gaza’s Ministry of Health reported that Israeli forces launched unidentified gas bombs at medical service centres, east of al-Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza, which resulted in severe vomiting, convulsions and asphyxia for dozens.

“For regular gas, it takes just a few minutes to apply treatment,” Qedra said. “But in these cases it often takes patients seven hours in the hospital to recover.”

From the October 2018 Electronic Intifada article “Gaza ‘laboratory’ boosts profits of Israel’s war industry”:

Human Petri dish

We asked [Guy] Keren why it is that Israel’s technology industry performs at an astonishing level of productivity, especially in the military sector.

“Because we are checking our systems live,” he said. “We are in a war situation all the time. If it’s not happening right now, it will happen in a month.”

“It’s not [just] about building the technology” and having to wait years to try out the systems, Keren told us. The secret of the Israeli tech sector’s success, he explained, lay in “operating the technology faster than any other country in live situations.”

Keren isn’t the first to make this connection. Gaza is widely perceived as a human Petri dish — to improve killing capacity and cultivate pacification methods — among the movers and shakers in the Israeli high-tech and military sectors.

When Roei Elkabetz, a brigadier general in the Israeli army, addressed a 2012 convention of specialists in border control technology in El Paso, Texas, he clicked onscreen a photo of the wall, built by Magal Systems, that isolates Gaza from the outside world.

“We have learned lots from Gaza,” he said. “It’s a great laboratory.”

Leila Stockmarr, a Danish scholar, has attended the same kinds of Israeli security expos as Todd Miller and I. “As most of the company representatives I interviewed imparted, it is central to Israel’s cutting-edge military and policing capacities that new pieces of technology are developed and tested in a concrete situation of controlling a population, such as in the Gaza Strip,” she writes in her 2016 essay, “Beyond the Laboratory Thesis: Gaza as Transmission Belt for War and Security Technology.”

Fine tuning in real time

As one representative of a major security company told Stockmarr: “Once an order has been made by the Israeli military, and after initial deployment in the field, the company’s technical departments are often contacted with demands for corrections and tweaks based on experience. Thus every time the military uses Israeli HLS [homeland security] technology, it automatically tests it. Companies benefit greatly from this and every time a new order is placed, this feedback from the battlefield is injected to improve the process of tendering and guarantee quality and effectiveness.”

Unusually for a country’s arms industry, Israel has a laboratory in a territory it occupies — Gaza — very close to the production facilities for its weapons and surveillance technology. Engagement in the Gaza Strip, as Stockmarr noted in 2016, helps companies generate and refine new ideas and fine tune product lines.

In April 2018, Saar Koursh, then the CEO of Magal Systems — a contender for President Donald Trump’s proposed additions to surveillance infrastructure on the US-Mexico border — was even reported as having described Gaza as a “showroom” for the company’s “smart fences” whose customers “appreciate that the products are battle-tested.”

Stockmarr notes that Palestinians in Gaza themselves play a role in the testing phase, performing a “crucial part” of this homeland security industry cycle: “In order to evaluate a given product, the systematic inclusion of the targeted populations’ responses to new security technologies are crucial for foreign buyers.”

After the events of October 7, 2023:

https://twitter.com/ProfSunnySingh/status/1716414159158440329; https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231023-israel-tests-new-iron-sting-bomb-in-gaza/

In a video uploaded to X, formerly Twitter, the air force said: “The Maglan Unit, in cooperation with the Air Force, thwarted dozens of terrorists using a variety of weapons, including an innovative and accurate mortar bomb, called “Iron Sting”.”

The video showed the 120mm mortar apparently decimating a rocket launcher.

The Iron Sting missiles were developed by Elbit Systems and were first unveiled by the Ministry of Defence and the Ground Forces in 2021.


The Jerusalem Post newspaper explained that the mortar shells were designed for use in both open terrain and urban environments for accurate targeting while minimising surrounding damage.

The newspaper reported that the weapon consists of a 120 mm mortar that uses a global positioning system (GPS) and laser guidance to hit targets accurately.

It noted that the range of the missiles is 12 kilometres and it can penetrate double reinforced concrete.

The now Ziofascist-murdered Palestinian writer Refaat Al-Areer reported about another potentially new weapon system which could have been the already known seismic or bunker buster bombs which Israel dropped:

https://twitter.com/itranslate123/status/1717326485126606949; https://twitter.com/itranslate123/status/1717329622717677838

One of the most recent weapons systems which Ziofascist Israel tests on Palestinians are robodogs:

https://twitter.com/alon_mizrahi/status/1764367057204674561; https://twitter.com/nookyelur/status/1764364354953298168

On top of such weapon experiments and the current blanket bombardment of the Palestinian concentration camp population of Gaza and all of their buildings and infrastructure, what the Ziofascist Israelis also have been doing for years and decades is to harvest organs from the Palestinian concentration camp population:

https://twitter.com/zei_squirrel/status/1716769340479901841; https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/dec/21/israeli-pathologists-harvested-organs

The story emerged in an interview with Dr Yehuda Hiss, former head of the Abu Kabir forensic institute near Tel Aviv. The interview was conducted in 2000 by an American academic who released it because of the row between Israel and Sweden over a report in the Stockholm newspaper Aftonbladet.

Channel 2 TV reported that in the 1990s, specialists at Abu Kabir harvested skin, corneas, heart valves and bones from the bodies of Israeli soldiers, Israeli citizens, Palestinians and foreign workers, often without permission from relatives.

The Israeli military confirmed to the programme that the practice took place, but added: “This activity ended a decade ago and does not happen any longer.”

Hiss said: “We started to harvest corneas … whatever was done was highly informal. No permission was asked from the family.”

However, there was no evidence that Israel had killed Palestinians to take their organs, as the Swedish paper reported. Aftonbladet quoted Palestinians as saying young men from the West Bank and Gaza Strip had been seized by the Israeli forces and their bodies returned to their families with missing organs. The interview with Hiss was released by Nancy Scheper-Hughes, professor of anthropology at the University of California-Berkeley who had conducted a study of Abu Kabir.

She was quoted by the Associated Press as saying that while Palestinians were “by a long shot” not the only ones affected, she felt the interview must be made public, because “the symbolism, you know, of taking skin of the population considered to be the enemy, [is] something, just in terms of its symbolic weight, that has to be reconsidered.”


Similarity 9: Ziofascist Israel Is a Delusional Cultist State like Nazi Germany

Nazi Germany used the “Führerkult” (cult of the leader) to befuddle the minds of the people. In a similar fashion, Ziofascist and Zionazi Israelis are also living in a completely delusional cult that fuels their insanity and their criminal and inhumane behavior. To analyze and examine:


From the secular great Ziofascist leader Netanyahu:

https://twitter.com/BootsRiley/status/1718527384885084542; https://twitter.com/mtracey/status/1718360354764238929

From a narcissistic and insane Ziofascist who claimed on Twitter/X spaces that her father is a billionaire, that she will sue all sorts of people, or that she has close contacts with the Department of Justice:


But Zionism is less a cult of personality and more an apocalyptic and Jewish supremacist cult with material (i.e. the land-grab in Palestine and beyond to build Greater Israhell) and utterly perverted pseudo-spiritual goals.

It is also a “chosen people” cult which wants you to believe that international law can be ignored:


That Zionist cult partially emerged from the Christian and Evangelical Zionist and Ziofascist perversion of Judaism and accordingly still has many supporters among the equally insane and cultist contemporary US Evangelicals:

https://twitter.com/_zattak_/status/1724658448690802795; https://twitter.com/realjosephb/status/1724626667358859533; https://twitter.com/yousefiaa/status/1724616873184985581

More on the Ziofascist Israelis’ delusional Third Temple cult which has interesting parallels to the German Nazis’ delusional Third Reich cult:

The “Third Temple” (Hebrew: בֵּית הַמִּקְדָּשׁ הַשְּׁלִישִׁי‎, Bēṯ hamMīqdāš hašŠlīšī, transl. ‘Third House of the Sanctum’) refers to a hypothetical rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. It would succeed Solomon’s Temple and the Second Temple, the former having been destroyed during the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem in c. 587 BCE and the latter having been destroyed during the Roman siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE. Although it remains unbuilt, the notion of and desire for the Third Temple is sacred in Judaism, and particularly in Orthodox Judaism. It is anticipated as the most sacred place of worship for Jews. The Hebrew Bible holds that Jewish prophets called for its construction to be fulfilled prior to, or in tandem with, the Messianic Age. The building of the Third Temple also plays a major role in some interpretations of Christian eschatology.

Among religious Jews, the anticipation of an ultimate future project centred around building the Third Temple at the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem has been a running theme that, in Israel, is also espoused as an ideological motive. However, the notion of the Third Temple has been contested by Muslims due to the existence of the Dome of the Rock, which was built by the Umayyad Caliphate on top of the site of Solomon’s Temple and the Second Temple; tensions between Jews and Muslims over the Temple Mount have carried over politically as one of the major flashpoints of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, and the area has likewise been a subject of significant debate in the Israeli–Palestinian peace process.

https://twitter.com/davidsheen/status/1723416544753963137; https://electronicintifada.net/content/video-temple-movement-rabbi-proselytizes-genocide/14870

From that article from 2015:

Speaking to a crowd of about 40 men and a handful of women at the Diaspora Yeshiva seminary in the Old City of Jerusalem, the leaders of the Sanhedrin gave a series of speeches excoriating Pope Francis, US President Barack Obama, the European Union, the United Nations and other international bodies for not supporting Israel’s claims to “exclusive patrimony” over all of historic Palestine.

For three hours, the rabbis oscillated between accusing world leaders of plotting genocide against the Jewish people, and themselves calling for Jews to commit genocide against Muslims, Christians and other non-Jews.

The most extreme statements of the afternoon came from the head of this Sanhedrin, Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, who claimed that according to the 12th century Jewish sage Maimonides, the Jewish people are commanded to kill non-Jewish people who do not agree to abandon Christianity and Islam and be governed by Jewish law.

This writer was present and recorded the Sanhedrin’s proceedings, including a call by Ariel for genocide against non-Jews (listen by playing the video at the top of this page).

“This is what the Torah commanded us,” he explained, “‘When thou drawest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it’ [Deuteronomy 20:10]. What is meant by ‘peace’? Maimonides says that they must agree to follow the seven Noahide laws … Meaning, you ask them, ‘Do you follow the seven laws? If so, we will allow you to live.’ If not, you kill all of their males, by sword. You only leave the women.

“How do you leave them? They must all agree to follow the seven laws. And that is how you impose the Seven Laws on that city. We will conquer Iraq, Turkey. We will get to Iran, too. We will impose the seven Noahide laws on all of these places.

The result of these Ziofascist perversions is a literal death cult:


BBC narrator: “Proliferation experts report that Israel has the world’s sixth largest nuclear arsenal, with small tactical nuclear weapons, nuclear landmines, as well as medium range nuclear missiles launchable from air, land or sea.

It’s thought Plutonium is made in Dimona, nuclear weapons are assembled at Yodefat, and stored at Zachariah and Eilabun. Three nuclear submarines are based in Haifa, and Israel’s biological and chemical warfare laboratories are at Nes Ziona.


The DNMP was bound for the Israeli Institue for Biological Research at Nes Ziona, one of Israel’s most secret ‘defense’ sites. It’s subject to no international inspection and reporting of its activities in Israel is prevented by strict military censorship.”

https://twitter.com/zei_squirrel/status/1724548500900258176; https://twitter.com/zei_squirrel/status/1724555085286457537
https://twitter.com/zei_squirrel/status/1724556054736851256; https://twitter.com/zei_squirrel/status/1711814880460673528

Norman Finkelstein: “Israel is carrying on in a lunatic fashion. […] Name me another country in the world: 2003, Israel was the cheerleaders for the war in Iraq. 2006 it went into war in Lebanon. 2008, 2009 it attacked Gaza. Now it talks about attacking Iran. […] If you read the Israeli papers, every day they talk about should we attack Gaza, should we attack Lebanon, should we attack Syria. […] Name me another country in the world that falls into that category. It’s a lunatic state. […]

We are talking about a country that every two or three years goes to war. […] As the American economist and Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman put it in the New York Times last week, he said it’s perfectly obvious that Israel is headed towards national suicide. It’s become a crazy state. And he says it’s not good for Jews, it’s not good for the world where Israel is headed.”

https://twitter.com/m7mdkurd/status/1725944926574145703; https://twitter.com/QudsNen/status/1725941236148658376

The Ziofascist death cult also includes chicken swinging, but it somehow does not make sense to believe that you can pass your genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity on to chickens:


These cultists also have a very noteworthy “Kol Nidre(i)” or “All Vows” annual prayer at Yom Kippur whereby all future vows they give are null and void — thus setting gentiles or non-Jews up to be deceived by especially Zionist Jews:


One magic number of the Ziofascist death cult is 6.000.000, by the way:


As per the principle of “their accusations are confessions,” the Ziofascist cult is furthermore similar to the cultist Islamist terrorist organization ISIS — the ‘Israeli Secret Intelligence Service,’ as some call it — which, coincidentally, has actually been fighting against Hamas:

https://twitter.com/wyoumans/status/1770090925739413896; https://twitter.com/wyoumans/status/1770090926846730390

Similarity 10: Ziofascist Israel Is an Insane and Evil State Like Nazi Germany

Nazi Germany was furthermore an insane and evil state, and also because of the abovementioned similarities, there is no doubt whatsoever that the exact same thing once again applies to Ziofascist Israel:


Just like the evil and insane German Nazis who envisioned and implemented a “final solution of the Jewish question,” the evil and insane Israeli Ziofascists and Zionazis are also envisioning and implementing a ‘final solution of the Palestinian question’ (see here for their other declarations of intent to commit genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity against Palestinians):


A interesting question is how the Ziofascist Israelis’ insanity relates to their evil ways and vice versa. I am inclined to answer that by suggesting that it is their insanity — caused by Ziofascist indoctrination and propaganda since childhood — that makes the Israelis act in evil ways and that, if that Ziofascist poison were removed from their minds, they would understand what they are actually doing and begin to act like mentally healthy people again. For now though, they are insane and evil, and that is how they need to be treated and dealt with:


Oliver Stone: “Netanyahu’s a madman. And I repeat that: To me, he’s a madman. I met him years ago. I interviewed him when he was out of office. And, ah, I thought he was a madman then, and I think he’s gotten worse and worse and worse. He’s truly insane. I’ve never seen such a slaughter, justifying it like this, with, ah, as revenge, as revenge”

That the Ziofascist Israelis are the sickest and lowest of all people on Earth is also displayed by their often encountered hatefulness and sadism:


raving Zionazi [to women]: “Go to hell. Go to hell. Yeah, we’ll bomb the hell out of you! Yeah, we’ll kill all of you! […] Go to Gaza so that they can rape you. […]”

https://twitter.com/BarnabyRaine/status/1724002299490480145; https://twitter.com/BarnabyRaine/status/1724005400700231753
https://twitter.com/bidetmarxman/status/1724913967569756446; https://twitter.com/medeabenjamin/status/1724899115937779884

Ziofascist woman: “I wish they will rape you alive, they are filming you, and if your mother is alive they will send the video for your mother to see how you burn. That’s what I’m wishing, if this is ok for you, I don’t know what you are made of.
Why don’t you go to Gaza. Why don’t you go to Gaza to live there.”


A respective analysis:


In other words and also as a consequence of decades of intergenerational Ziofascist propaganda: Large parts of the Israeli society and Zionists, Ziofascists and Zionazis furthermore generally are and behave like inhumane, conscienceless psychopaths or rather sociopaths (which are made and not born like psychopaths):


Zionazi settler Anita Tucker [about Gaza]: “[…] it’s still empty. I looked at the map — now you can look at the Google map — this is where we should build a nice big city, maybe for Ultraorthodox Jews who wanna come to live there.”

https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1733121679847494143; https://twitter.com/marklevinshow/status/1732742737022038231; https://townhall.com/columnists/dwwilber/2023/12/07/there-are-no-innocent-palestinians-n2632056
https://twitter.com/21WIRE/status/1728584338000974219; https://twitter.com/real1maria/status/1728266763870289961
https://twitter.com/jakeshieldsajj/status/1736661013989323224; https://twitter.com/RyLiberty/status/1736665177150656932; https://twitter.com/jakeshieldsajj/status/1736665563051741274

And as if to prove their point, an insane sociopathic Kahanist Ziofascist chimes in:

https://twitter.com/RyLiberty/status/1736683742570348844; https://twitter.com/RashadRamzan/status/1736685125075886472; https://twitter.com/RabbiMeirKahane/status/1736745270153461876

It would consequently also be apt and fair to characterize these indoctrinated and propagandized Ziofascists as massively hateful and furthermore as massively deluded or psychotic:


More specifically, as per the general mentality of rightwing extremists and as pointed out in the following article by Caitlin Johnstone, the Ziofascists’ psychosis revolves around massive and Ziofascist Israeli state-fuelled paranoia:

A Jewish anti-Zionist Israeli named Alon Mizrahi posted an interesting piece on Twitter a few days ago that’s been rattling around in my head ever since, wherein he argues that Israel is actually intentionally generating hatred towards itself in order to shore up political power.

Claiming that “Israel and American Jewish organizations took it upon themselves to keep Jews afraid and isolated” in a “strategy of intentional paranoia,” Mizrahi opines that when October 7 hit, “the right wing, nationalistic, paranoid section of the Jewish political spectrum, realized it could be translated into political gold.”

“It doesn’t seem like Israel is trying to be hated globally. It is actually what it’s doing,” Mizrahi writes. “It is intentionally airing its cruelty and barbarity so that it will remain closed up to the world, thus guaranteeing the continued rule of the paranoia camp.”

“Palestinians are just crash test dummies in this scenario,” he adds. “Their deaths are used to get people angry and Israel hated, so it becomes even more paranoid.”

Whether you accept or reject Mizrahi’s perspective, you can’t deny that Israel’s apologists have been seizing on the outrage its actions in Gaza have caused as evidence of anti-semitic persecution. The Anti-Defamation League has started categorizing pro-Palestine rallies as anti-semitic incidents, including rallies organized and attended by Jewish groups, leading to the Israel-friendly mass media reporting a massive spike in “anti-semitism” in the wake of October 7. Common pro-Palestine chants like “From the river to the sea Palestine will be free” have been deceitfully labeled calls for the genocide of Jews, and any criticism of Israel’s actions is met with a deluge of accusations of anti-semitism.

Once Israel and its western supporters succeeded in framing any opposition to to the Israeli government as evidence of anti-semitism, it was guaranteed that any time Israel does something evil it will cause a new wave of “anti-semitism” per those standards. This perceived hatred and persecution could then be cited as evidence for why Israel needs to be even more violent, militaristic and tyrannical than it already was, and why its brutal treatment of Palestinians is justified and correct. This in turn could be used by western governments to justify pouring more weapons into Israel and providing military support against its neighbors.

In this dynamic, anything Israel does causes more people to hate Israel both in the middle east and around the world, to which Israel responds by tearfully proclaiming “See?? They hate us! We must defend ourselves against their hostilities!”

This is not the sort of behavior you would accept from someone in your life, and it shouldn’t be the sort of behavior we accept from nuclear-armed ethnostates. As with any other widespread dysfunction, the key to dismantling this one is to spread awareness of what it is that Israel is doing.

Such insane Israeli Ziofascists were even invited by US Congresspeople and, ironically, after the January 26, 2024 ICJ ruling against Israel which ordered provisional measures to protect the Palestinians from the Ziofascist Israeli genociders:


Tzvika Mor: “I told the Prime Minister that I love my son very much. After that there was a lot of crying and shouting, it was a very difficult situation there. I told everyone I also love my son very, very much, but if I need to choose between the love for my son and the love for my nation, I choose the love for my nation. […] We will display strength, we are now called upon by the nation, and if we need to make the sacrifice, we will make the sacrifice.


Tzvika Mor: “I am now concentrating solely on the success of the war [i.e. the genocide]. Have I forgotten about my son? I haven’t forgotten about my son. I walk with him all the time with the picture, I walk with him all the time in my heart, but I act and think mainly about the success of the war [i.e. the genocide], in a positive way, and I am also busy in preventing all sorts of factors from disturbing the war [i.e. genocide] effort, that unfortunately is part of the story here. I mean cutting off electricity, water supply, everything in Gaza, and simply erasing neighborhood after neighborhood until our son is returned.


Tzvika Mor: “The savages that killed and raped us on October 7 were children in the Hamas summer camps 15 years ago. And today’s children will be next summer, when it will be possible, will be children in the Hamas summer camps, but this time they will grow up in the ethos of October 7, plus additional hatred for us wiping out their houses. Yes?

For the first time I understand the commandment of the Torah — ‘erase the memory of Amalek, babies, toddlers, women and men.’ It’s unimaginable — how can we? But the prophecy tells you (only the prophecy): You see this cute babie named Adolf? In such and such years he will become Hitler.


Tzvika Mor, hate-preaching to Israeli children: “Every time I see, in Hebron, a military jeep dirty with paint, I cry[!], I’m telling you. The Arabs [i.e. Palestinians] learned, that in order to disable this jeep operationally, you don’t need more than a sandwich bag with paint. Throw it at the jeep, try to hit the windshield, and then everything is smeared with paint. The driver automatically turns on the wiper and aggravates the problem, and the jeep can’t drive. The Arabs [i.e. Palestinians] don’t always hit the windshield, so our jeeps are dirty with the paint that the Arabs [i.e. Palestinians] threw. It damages our national honor. Just for that, we should have gone to war. Not over shooting, that’s obvious. For one paint bag we should have erased that village, kill hundreds of people there, so they learn not to mess with us.[!!] For one paint bag we should have erased a village, and then we wouldn’t have gotten to where we are.”

So this is how the minds of completely insane Israeli Ziofascists and, yes, Zionazis work and what their priorities are like: These white racist settler-colonialist terrorist cultists would not only happily “sacrifice” “hundreds” of native Palastians and a “village” of theirs for a single paint-dirtied jeep — a ratio that would have put the German Nazis to shame — , but they would also sacrifice their own children — so basically everyone and everything — for the greater glory of the Ziofascist Israeli state and in a truly fascist manner.

It is due to the Ziofascist cultists sacrificing their own morality, sanity, humanity, international law, truth, peace, Jewishness, countries, the careers of politicians who resist them around the globe (e.g. Jeremy Corbyn) and of course Palestine, Palestinians as well as their own children to Israel aka ‘Israhell’ that they also cannot quite shake suspicions and rumours of them constituting a cult of Moloch, an ancient Bible-mentioned bull-headed god that was worshipped via — surprise, surprise — child sacrifice and that is represented by Israhell.

Moloch, Molech, or Molek[a] is a name or a term which appears in the Hebrew Bible several times, primarily in the Book of Leviticus. The Bible strongly condemns practices which are associated with Moloch, practices which appear to have included child sacrifice.[1]

Traditionally, the name Moloch has been understood as referring to a Canaanite god.[2] […]

Since the medieval period, Moloch has often been portrayed as a bull-headed idol with outstretched hands over a fire; this depiction takes the brief mentions of Moloch in the Bible and combines them with various sources, including ancient accounts of Carthaginian child sacrifice and the legend of the Minotaur.[6]

Beginning in the modern era, “Moloch” has been figuratively used in reference to a power which demands a dire sacrifice.[7] A god Moloch appears in various works of literature and film, such as John Milton’s Paradise Lost (1667), Gustave Flaubert’s Salammbô (1862), Fritz Lang’s Metropolis (1927), and Allen Ginsberg’s “Howl” (1955).

To quote Leviticus 20:1–5 from two versions of the Bible in which Moloch is alternatively called “Molech” and “Molek”:

As for Moloch being a “Canaanite” god and the respective location, it is widely undestood that then Canaan comprised both Israel and Palestine:

The more specific respective Canaanite locations of Moloch worship were stated to be “Moab,” “Ammon” and “Hinnom” — today “Gehenna” — in “Judah,” later called “Judea” during the time of Jesus and the Roman occupation:

“Map of the southern Levant in the 9th century BCE”; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Israel_(Samaria)#/media/File:Kingdoms_around_Israel_830_map.svg;

In other words: Not only did a “Philistine” or Palestinian state exist back then. More importantly, there was Moloch worship and human sacrifices in Judah and more specifically in Hinnom/Gehenna — i.e. in a valley around the city of Jerusalem which contemporary human sacrifice-happy Ziofascist Israel coincidentally wants to turn into its capital:

The Valley of Hinnom, Gehinnom or Gehenna is a historic valley surrounding Jerusalem from the west and southwest[1] that has acquired various theological connotations, including as a place of divine punishment, in Jewish eschatology.

The valley surrounds the Old City of Jerusalem and the adjacent Mount Zion from the west and south. It meets and merges with the Kidron Valley, the other principal valley around the Old City, near the Pool of Siloam which lies to the southeastern corner of Ancient Jerusalem. It is also known as Wadi el-Rababi (Arabic: وادي الربابة, lit. ‘valley of the Rebab’).[2][3] The northwestern part of the valley is now an urban park.

The place is first mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as part of the border between the tribes of Judah and Benjamin (Joshua 15:8). During the late First Temple period, it was the site of the Tophet, where some of the kings of Judah had sacrificed their children by fire (Jeremiah 7:31).[4] Thereafter, it was cursed by the biblical prophet Jeremiah (Jeremiah 19:26).

It is perhaps also worth noting that the Israelites were pushed south towards and into Judah and Moloch worship territory by the Assyrians:

The Kingdom of Israel (Biblical Hebrew: מַמְלֶכֶת יִשְׂרָאֵל‎, romanized: Mamleḵeṯ Yīśrāʾēl), or the Kingdom of Samaria, […] was ruled by the Omride dynasty in the 9th century BCE, whose political center was the city of Samaria.

The Hebrew Bible depicts the Kingdom of Israel, also known as the Kingdom of Samaria, as one of two successor states to the United Kingdom of Israel ruled by King David and his son Solomon, the other being the Kingdom of Judah to the south. Many historians and archaeologists, however, do not believe in the existence of a United Kingdom as depicted in the Bible.[Notes 1]

The Kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Neo-Assyrian Empire around 720 BCE.[4] The records of Sargon II of Assyria indicate that he deported 27,290 Israelites — around one fifth of the population of the Kingdom of Israel[5] — to Mesopotamia;[6] this deportation became the basis for the Jewish idea of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. Some Israelites migrated to the southern kingdom of Judah,[7] while those Israelites that remained in Samaria, concentrated mainly around Mount Gerizim, came to be known as Samaritans.

Another piece of the puzzle is the Ziofascists’ Third Temple movement which has its focus also on Jerusalem, a site of former Moloch worship:

The “Third Temple” (Hebrew: בֵּית הַמִּקְדָּשׁ הַשְּׁלִישִׁי‎, Bēṯ hamMīqdāš hašŠlīšī, transl. ‘Third House of the Sanctum’) refers to a hypothetical rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. It would succeed Solomon’s Temple and the Second Temple, the former having been destroyed during the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem in c. 587 BCE and the latter having been destroyed during the Roman siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE. Although it remains unbuilt, the notion of and desire for the Third Temple is sacred in Judaism, and particularly in Orthodox Judaism. It is anticipated as the most sacred place of worship for Jews. The Hebrew Bible holds that Jewish prophets called for its construction to be fulfilled prior to, or in tandem with, the Messianic Age. The building of the Third Temple also plays a major role in some interpretations of Christian eschatology.

Among religious Jews, the anticipation of an ultimate future project centred around building the Third Temple at the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem has been a running theme that, in Israel, is also espoused as an ideological motive.[1] However, the notion of the Third Temple has been contested by Muslims due to the existence of the Dome of the Rock,[1] which was built by the Umayyad Caliphate on top of the site of Solomon’s Temple and the Second Temple; tensions between Jews and Muslims over the Temple Mount have carried over politically as one of the major flashpoints of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, and the area has likewise been a subject of significant debate in the Israeli–Palestinian peace process.[2][3] Most of the international community has refrained from recognizing any sovereignty over Jerusalem due to conflicting territorial claims between Israel and the Palestinian National Authority, as both sides have asserted it as their capital city.

And it is not just Ziofascist Israelis but also their tools such as the Argentinian President Milei who keeps talking about a Third Temple:


Things become even more interesting when we connect that Ziofascist Third Temple movement with the following passage from Revelation 3:9 about a certain to be built “synagogue,” i.e. “a shul or a temple, [which] is a place of worship for Jews and Samaritans”:


And is that not a rather accurate description of the Third Temple Ziofascists who likewise claim to be and represent Jews but who, through their ideology and actions, instead give the impression of constituting an insane and evil Moloch sacrifice cult? Do these Ziofascists not behave like insane and evil Satanists who, contrary to the Ten Commandments (Exodus), lie, steal and murder without a shred of conscience?

It gets more interesting still when we combine that a) with Revelation 13:18 which associates the number of 666 with Satan or “the beast”:


and b) with the fact that there are a lot of 6s in the Ziofascist Israeli flag that could be combined to form “666” in various ways:

One could for instance take a) the five white or blue stripes and the Star of David/Moloch as a symbol for the first 6, b) its outer points as a symbol for the second 6, and c) the outer points of the innermost white hexagram as a symbol for the last 6.

Or one could, as I have done here, add up the corners of six triangles in the Star of David/Moloch in a 3*(1+1) manner which also combines to “666”:

a possible hidden meaning in the Ziofascist Israeli flag

So while the specific manner of the Ziofascist Israeli flag spelling out 666 — the number of the beast or Satan — is not clear, it cannot be denied that there are plenty of 6s hidden in the Ziofascist Israeli flag which can be made to spell out 666 with a little bit of hermeneutics, symbolic anthropology or, simply put, interpretation.

So much for a religious look at the Ziofascist evil which also needs to be understood as a response to Benjamin Netanyahu — whose number just may be 666 — talking about biblical Amalek as an excuse to genocide the Palestinians.

For reasons of their own, other analysts concurred that “just branding these groups as evil is not enough” and likewise stated that the Ziofascists and Zionazis, Israel and their evil and insane ways qualify as demonic or satanic:


Norman Finkelstein: “I have very little sympathy for what has become of that state. It’s a… It’s a satanic state. You know, you look at the polls: 60% of Israelis — 60% — say Israel is not using enough force in Gaza. *chuckles* It’s not using enough force in Gaza. If you look at every metric out there, every metric, — intensity of bombing, payload of bombs, imprecision of bombs, destruction of civilian infrastructure, ratio of civilians to combatants killed, ratio of children to total numbers killed, ratio of women and children to total numbers killed — if you look at every metric, there have been so many studies now done, what Israel is doing in Gaza is in a class completely its own. […] And in the face of that, to say — 60% are saying — you haven’t killed enough, you haven’t destroyed enough, you lose me. My moral imagination stops there. I’m not going further.”


In allusion to one of its propaganda slogans, it would consequently also be fitting to refer to Ziofascist Israel as “the only ‘demonocracy’ in the middle east.” Hence ‘Israhell.’



Gregor Flock
Gregor Flock

Written by Gregor Flock

independent philosopher (univie.academia.edu/GregorFlock) and journalist, Global Civil Society Network founder (www.gcsno.org/my-blog/), Tweets @GFlock_GCSN.

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