Ziofascist Israel’s ‘Red Cow Disease’ and the Book of Revelations’ “Synagogue of Satan”: A Road to Armageddon
An article in four sections: 1. The Ziofascists’ Red Heifer Prophecy, 2. The Book of Revelations’ (3:9) “Synagogue of Satan,” 3. How and When Will the Ziofascist Israelis Damage or Destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque?, 4. A Specific Scenario and Early Date: 6th of April, 2024
It is clear to many, including to the former Israeli PM Ehud Olmert, that especially the most right-wing extremist and openly Ziofascist factions in Israel but also the ‘great leader’ Benyamin Netanyahu massively contribute to widening the currently ongoing conflict and genocide into a regional war:
The ultimate aim of this gang is “purging” the West Bank of its Palestinian inhabitants, cleansing the Temple Mount of its Muslim worshippers and annexing the territories to the state of Israel. This aim will not be achieved without extensive violent conflict. Armageddon
One of the Ziofascist settler-colonialists’ end goals, after all, to rid the land of all Palestinians so that they can have it all for themselves — a process in which they also erase the culture and the history of the Palestinians and Palestine. And one crowning conclusion of that process would be the destruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and its replacement by the Ziofascists’ “Third Temple.”
The Al-Aqsa Mosque, however, is not only the most important mosque of Palestinians but also “the third holiest site in Islam.” This means that its destruction by the Ziofascist Israelis would be likely to trigger a regional war with the surrounding Muslim-dominated countries. In light of Israel having hundreds of non-declared nuclear weapons and the nuclear superpowers of the USA or also Russia potentially getting sucked into this conflict through their alliances, this would then be a path to World War 3 and nuclear Armageddon.
1. The Ziofascists’ Red Heifer Prophecy
As yet another confirmation of “Ziofascist Israel being a mythological-cultist state like Nazi Germany” (see section 5 of this article), the religious lunatics and fanatics among the Ziofascists also have a Third Temple-related and Al-Aqsa-ending “red heifer” or red cow prophecy which can be posited at the beginning of such a regional war, World War 3 and nuclear Armageddon.
Ziofascist Melissa Jane Kronfeld: “It’s not about the destruction of Islamic holy sites [it is]; these are preserving this place and being guardians over the house of God for all people.”
Interviewer: “So you are happy with where it [i.e. Dome of the Rock] is?”
Ziofascist Melissa Jane Kronfeld: “No, it’s going to go, 100 percent, but I believe...”
Interviewer: “It’s gonna go?”
Ziofascist Melissa Jane Kronfeld: “It’s a 100 percent yeah, the whole thing is gonna go; we have to build a temple.”
Interviewer: “When you say Dome of the Rock has to go, MJ, it’s hard for me to imagine something more incendiary.”
Ziofascist Melissa Jane Kronfeld [spouting more insanity and ignoring the central role of Israel and the USA in all of this]: “Let me ask you something: The Middle East seems pretty destabilized right now, and the war, if I’m not mistaken, is already here.”
To quote from “Propaganda and co” which produced a very insightful video and moreso thread about that red heifer prophecy:
From their later March 23, 2024 thread:
It must also be noted that the Ziofascist Israeli’s red heifer activities were one of the reasons why Hamas conducted its October 7 attacks. To quote from this February 1, 2024 Truthdig article:
Hamas plotted the Al-Aqsa Flood operation in great secrecy. Although Israeli military intelligence caught wind of extensive and mysterious training in Gaza months earlier, the final preparations for the Oct. 7 attacks were known only among Hamas’ top leadership. A rare window into the decision-making process, however, was opened during a bizarre interview on Oct. 26 on the Egyptian satellite TV channel Sada El Balad.
Mustapha Bakri, an Egyptian member of Parliament and prominent media personality, interviewed the former head of Hamas in Gaza and now senior leader of its Qatar-based exile group, Khaled Mashal, about the surprise attack on Israel three weeks prior. As reported later that day by the Egyptian newspaper Shorouk News, Mashal told Bakri that the operation was necessary to disrupt Israel’s scheme “to import five red cows from the United States of America to implement the Zionist plan to destroy the Al-Aqsa [mosque] in the shortest possible period.”
“Shame would stain the nation’s forehead,” Mashal continued. “And so, the Al-Aqsa Flood operation was necessary.”
Five red cows? Imported from the United States? The destruction of the Al-Aqsa mosque? What on earth was he talking about?
Mashal was referring to an aspect of the Arab-Israeli conflict that is so weird, even most Israelis write it off as an obsession of the lunatic fringe. It involves a magical potion of Biblical origin that some ultra-Orthodox believe is required to rebuild the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount on land currently occupied by the Al-Aqsa mosque, one of the holiest sites in Islam. The potion involves a mixture of spring water and the ashes of a ritually sacrificed two-year-old cow, or heifer, that must be covered by red hairs only. At the moment, five candidates for the sacrifice are quietly grazing on an undisclosed kibbutz somewhere in Israel.
The origins of the red-cow recipe date to legendary events described in the Torah, supposed to have taken place some 3,000 years ago. In Chapter 19 of the Book of Numbers, God dictates the red heifer ritual to Moses and his brother Aaron. The blood of the dying beast must be sprinkled around seven times once its throat is cut, God explains, before delivering elaborate instructions for the cremation of the cow’s carcass:
Her flesh, and her blood, with her dung, shall be burnt. And the priest shall take cedar-wood, and hyssop, and scarlet, and cast it into the midst of the burning of the heifer…. [A] man that is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer, and lay them up without the camp in a clean place, and it shall be kept for the congregation of the children of Israel for a water of sprinkling; it is a purification from sin.
The red cow ritual is meant to cleanse people of the contamination associated with contact with death. The rules of the ritual were later fleshed out further by learned rabbis in Talmudic law. In the twelve chapters of the Mishnah Parah, God’s instructions multiply into a cascade of increasingly complex details regarding the making of the mixture. In Chapter 5, for example, we learn that, “All are eligible to prepare the mixture, except a deaf mute, an imbecile and a minor. Rabbi Judah says a minor is eligible, but disqualifies a woman and a hermaphrodite.”
On the funding of the Temple Institute and the location of the red heifers in Texas:
By the 1990s, ambitious plans were hatched to create an entire herd of American Red Angus cattle in Israel. The Temple Institute is financed by New York hedge fund billionaire Henry Swieca, so money has never been an issue. But once again, fate was against them, and the red cows could not be found. In 2018, they tried importing embryos from Nebraska. Another exciting announcement, another disappointment. Within months, the dreadful black and white hairs sprouted again. Having drawn blanks in Mississippi and Nebraska, the Temple Institute tried again, this time focused on Texas, which is full of cattle. In 2022, they approached a trucking company boss and Israel-obsessed evangelical End Times enthusiast named Byron Stinson. Eager to help, Byron placed calls to his Christian rancher friends. He was soon claiming to have found, not one, but 21 pure red calves.
The Dallas Theological Seminary is at the heart of Dispensationalism, an eschatological form of evangelical Christianity that believes in the Rapture. Texas Evangelicals are unusually obsessed with Israel because they believe the country will play host and trigger to the Big Event. For this reason, megachurches routinely organize End Times package holidays to the Holy Land, where visitors can take selfies at the site of Armageddon as their guides cheerfully narrate the coming nuclear holocaust.
On the transport of the red heifers to Israel and the planning of their sacrifice:
Sometime in 2022, the Temple Institute sent a team of rabbis to Texas to make sure the red heifers were up to Biblical standards. They were deemed eligible, and before long, the Texas-Israel axis had come up with a plan to get around inconvenient U.S. laws against exporting livestock. The key was a loophole for pets. In the age of emotional support animals, airlines are required to take pets — up to five on one flight. In September of 2022, American Airlines obliged and the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture gave a green light. The red cows are now in Israel; all are apparently still pure red in color.
Twelve years ago, Rabbi Yitshak Mamo bought a plot of land on the Mount of Olives in a place deemed appropriate for the ritual sacrifice, now planned for 2024. In March of 2023, he explained to the Christian Broadcasting Network that he is aiming for Passover, during the last week in April.
A March 29, 2024, update:
Build a bridge from the Mount of Olives to the Al Aqsa Mosque, and — hey presto —
…the Al-Aqsa Mosque become the Third Temple…
…with the help of the ‘magical’ red heifers:
From a March 2024 article on that conference:
The Temple Institute is scheduled to hold a conference on Wednesday to discuss the religious preparations for performing the ritual of sacrificing the red heifer.
This ritual aims to purify from the ‘impurity of the dead’ to surpass the prohibition imposed by the Great Rabbinate of Israel from entering the Al-Aqsa Mosque due to the lack of purity condition, Quds Press reported.
The conference will be held in the Shiloh settlement north of Ramallah, where the five cows, imported from Texas, are under special care and round-the-clock monitoring.
Several rabbis advocating for conducting the rituals will speak at the conference after the cows have reached the minimum legal age required for the purification process, which is two years and two months. This condition specifies that the cows must not be younger than this, but they can be older.
Additionally, a report issued by the Jerusalem Foundation International in Lebanon on Tuesday explained that the extremist Temple groups rely on establishing the purification ritual with the red heifer to enable hundreds of thousands of religious Jews to enter the Al-Aqsa Mosque, who currently refrain from doing so out of adherence to the official rabbinic prohibition.
The foundation stated, “This — if it happens — would effectively open the way to multiplying the dangers surrounding Al-Aqsa and increasing the number of intruders and participants in imposing rituals therein.”
The Temple Institute had published an announcement last February calling for volunteer priests to be trained in the rituals of purification with the red heifer. It set special conditions for the volunteers, and this process is supposed to take place on a piece of land seized by these groups for this purpose on the Mount of Olives opposite the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
It is worth mentioning that the date recorded in the sacred religious texts of these groups for the slaughter of the red heifer and the purification falls on April 10, the day of Eid al-Fitr.
The March 27, 2024 conference program:
2. The Book of Revelations’ (3:9) “Synagogue of Satan”
Things become significantly more interesting when we put the Ziofascists’ Third Temple movement and the associated red heifer prophecy in the context of the Bible’s Book of Revelations and its mention of a temple or “synagogue of Satan” and people who falsely claim to be Jews:
Since there is furthermore no doubt that the Ziofascist Israelis are currently the most insane, evil and German Nazi-like (see this article) people on Earth who commit genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity — and of course massive land and property theft —against the native Palestinians while deludedly or mendaciously claiming that they are the real victims here, this leads to a rather straightforward interpretation of the above Bible passage whereby:
1. The “synagogue of Satan” is the Ziofascists’ Third Temple and
2. The people who “lie” and falsely claim to be Jews are the Ziofascist Israelis and Zionists and Ziofascists in general.
The Zionists and Ziofascists since Theodor Herzl and as evidence by his Antisemitic Die Welt publication have after all been raging Antisemites towards all the Jews who did and do not want to go along with their Zionist-colonialist plans which also served the purpose of getting the Jews out of Europe. And today, the Zionists and Ziofascists still routinely deride morally upright Antizionist Jews as ‘the wrong type of Jew’ or as ‘self-hating Jews’ in clear acts of Antisemitism, just as these totally insane Ziofascists indeed “lie” about themselves and their insane Ziofascist ideology supposedly representing all Jews and Judaism.
Also ask yourself the following: How are the Israelis — a largely insane and evil people who routinely lie to the whole world, steal and commit murder and the very worst of crimes against Palestinians — supposed to be able to build a temple of God? In their insanity and evilness, the only thing that they would be capable of is building a “synagogue of Satan.”
3. How and When Will the Ziofascist Israelis Damage or Destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque?
As stated above, the red heifer/cow sacrifice windows appear to be between April 2024 and April 2025, and this is when we can expect the Ziofascists to make their final and possibly regional war- or even World War 3-triggering move against the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
It furthermore appears that the bridge first needs to be built before the the entire process can begin, meaning that nothing should happen anytime soon. Then again, someone might declare an air bridge to be permissible, so whatever materials from the Mount of Olives could be flown in via helicopter, and the whole process could perhaps start without a traditional bridge.
Additionally, IDF attacks on Al-Aqsa have already happened, and the foundations of the Temple Mount and moreso Al Aqsa have already been weakened by British and moreso Israeli but also Muslim archeological excavations underneath it:
A number of archaeological excavations at the Temple Mount — a celebrated and contentious religious site in the Old City of Jerusalem — have taken place over the last 150 years. Excavations in the area represent one of the more sensitive areas of all archaeological excavations in Jerusalem.
The term Temple Mount usually refers to the artificially expanded platform at the top of the natural hill and the compound situated there. The compound is delineated by four ancient retaining walls, and is of high religious significance. The compound itself has only very rarely been the object of archaeological work, unlike the area surrounding it, which has been quite intensively excavated, especially along the southern and western walls. […]
The first archaeological work was undertaken by the British Royal Engineers in the 1860s in the Ordnance Survey of Jerusalem and subsequently the PEF Survey of Palestine.
Since Israel took control of the Old City in 1967, archaeological excavations in the vicinity of the Mount have been undertaken by Israel. Any type of earthmoving work inside the compound however, has mainly been reserved to the Jordanian/Palestinian-led Jerusalem Islamic Waqf, the Muslim authority in charge of the Al-Aqsa compound, who employs its own archaeologist and who at times has applied for the services of Jordanian and Egyptian restoration specialists. Work done by both sides has been controversial and criticized. Israeli and Jewish groups have criticized excavations conducted by the Waqf, with the Muslim side criticizing work done by the Israeli side. International organizations, such as UNESCO, sometimes intervene in the conflicts.
In 1967 the Religious Affairs Ministry began an unlicensed excavation. Starting at the Western Wall Plaza, workers dug northward, under the Old City’s Muslim Quarter.
Beginning in 1968, Israeli archaeologists began excavations at the foot of the Temple Mount, immediately south of the al-Aqsa Mosque, uncovering Roman, Umayyad and Crusader remains.
In 1970, Israeli authorities commenced intensive excavations to the south and west of the compound. Over the period 1970–1988, the Israeli authorities excavated a tunnel passing along the western wall of the Temple Mount, northwards from the prayer plaza of the Western Wall, that became known as the Western Wall Tunnel. They sometimes used mechanical excavators under the supervision of archaeologists. Palestinians claim that both of these have caused cracks and structural weakening of the buildings in the Muslim Quarter of the city above. Israelis confirmed this danger:
“The Moslem authorities were concerned about the ministry tunnel along the Temple Mount wall, and not without cause. Two incidents during the Mazar dig along the southern wall had sounded alarm bells. Technion engineers had already measured a slight movement in part of the southern wall during the excavations…There was no penetration of the Mount itself or danger to holy places, but midway in the tunnel’s progress large cracks appeared in one of the residential buildings in the Moslem Quarter, 12 meters above the excavation. The dig was halted until steel buttresses secured the building.”
In an article published in the Egyptian Al-Ahram Weekly in 2007, Palestinian journalist Khaled Amayreh listed Israeli encroachments on the Al-Aqsa Mosque: In 1977, digging continued and a large ancient tunnel was opened below the women’s prayer area. A further tunnel was unearthed under the mosque, going from east to west, in 1979. Amayreh further claimed that in March 1984, the Archaeological Department of the Israeli Ministry of Religious Affairs dug a tunnel near the western portion of the mosque, endangering the Islamic “Majlis” or council building.
For a more recent take on Israeli excavations under the current Ziofascist regime, see the following May 22, 2023 Al-Jazeera documentation:
The general points here in any event are: 1) In their genocide of the Palestinians, the Ziofascist Israelis have already destroyed all sorts of culturally and otherwise relevant buildings such as schools, hospitals or mosques; 2) they for sure also want to destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque; and 3) they may very well use their excavations underneath the Temple Mount or Al-Aqsa Mosque to do just that — for instance via explosions or the pulling of some foundations. This could then be passed off as an ‘accident’ or ‘mistake’ or, for the very gullible, even as an act or sign of God that the Third Temple can or should now be built.
What the Third Temple cultists want to do with Al Aqsa Mosque or the Dome of the Rock is also clear from the following September 2024 video:
4. A Specific Scenario and Early Date: 6th of April, 2024
An early date when the Ziofascist Israeli Third Temple fanatics could begin their major move against Al-Aqsa which they are no doubt planning in some way is literally tomorrow, on the 6th of April, 2024. Among other reasons:
- The red heifers are of the appropriate age to be sacrificed.
- In the interest of time and pragmatism, the bridge could perhaps be replaced by helicopters.
- Even long-term Western elite allies of Ziofascist Israel are now at least publicly turning away from this monstrous entity in the wake of Israel deliberately murdering the World Central Kitchen aid workers in a drone triple-tap on April 1, meaning that time is of the essence for the Ziofascists: They need something big and soon to go ahead with their plans.
- April 6, 2024, is a Sabbath, the holy day of Jews and Ziofascists, and would thus be the ideal weekday for passing off a deliberate and secret Ziofascist Israel damaging or destruction of Al-Aqsa (from underneath) as an ‘act of God’ or ‘divine sign.’
- The 6th of April 2024 or 6.4.2024 can also be recombined to 6 + (4+2) + (2+4) or 666, the “number of the beast” or Satan — a suitable date for starting to build the “synagogue of Satan”:
It is of course rather unlikely that this is what will happen tomorrow — there is a good chance that the Ziofascists will first build a traditional bridge and then demolish Al-Aqsa at a later date or that they will not succeed at demolishing it at all.
But if some such kind of destruction at Al-Aqsa should happen tomorrow, on April 6, 2024 — or Veadar aka Adar II/Bet/Sheni 27, 5783 in the Jewish calender — or perhaps also at later date, you should now have a much better idea what that signifies and how it can trigger a regional war and even World War 3 and a nuclear Armageddon.
This article furthermore also functions as a kind of ‘insurance’ in case such an event does take place, especially on April 6: It is unlikely to happen, but if it does happen, this article will turn out to be very useful.
April 11 update
A Ziofascist Israeli sacrifice request for Al Aqsa is made public on April 11:
Due to a momentary lack of translation, it was unclear whether that Al Aqsa sacrifice requests mentions the red heifers or not:
The Ziofascist Israeli minister who twice proposed that Palestinians should be nuked visited the red heifers with his children:
April 22 update
The Ziofascist Third Temple fanatics tried to smuggle small goats into Al Aqsa to sacrifice during Passover:
The altar where the red heifers are supposed to be sacrificed:
CBS narrator: “A massive altar already awaits where the heifers are to be burned.”
CBS’s Chris Livesay: “According to some believers, the ceremony needs to be performed right here on the Mount of Olives, looking directly into where the temple once stood. But something else now stands in its place: the Dome of the Rock in Al Aqsa Mosque.”
April 25: